SPOS #231 – How To Make Your Content Rule With Ann Handley And C.C. Chapman

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Welcome to episode #231 of Six Pixels Of Separation – The Twist Image Podcast. Content Rules is a book whose time has come. It was written by C.C. Chapman and Ann Handley. C.C. you already know. He was instrumental in getting me into Podcasting and along with being a close friend (and a co-host on Media Hacks), he is currently a freelance digital marketing strategist and pushing his new publishing space, Digital Dads. Ann is the Chief Content Officer for MarketingProfs and was one of the co-founders of ClickZ. Content Rules focuses on the importance of content (no, great content!) in a world of Blogs, Twitter, Podcasting, Webinars and more. Prior to the Web, publishing content was an expensive and complex process, now the tools of publishing are cheap, free and easy-to-use. The one component that hasn’t changed is that creating valuable content is still as difficult as it ever was, so here is your primer on creating powerful content that connects. Enjoy the conversation…

Here it is: Six Pixels Of Separation – The Twist Image Podcast – Episode #231 – Host: Mitch Joel.

Download the Podcast here: Six Pixels Of Separation – The Twist Image Podcast – Episode #231 – Host: Mitch Joel.


  1. I think the head-talking-into-a-camera-with-a-book-shelve-in-the-background works just fine ๐Ÿ˜€
    Anyway, thanks for getting both authors on the show, great dynamic. Gotta get me some CC now.

  2. Hey, if it works… then it works… Just make sure all of the shelves are working and are in a nice order so you don’t look like a slob… unless that’s the look you’re going for ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Certainly in nice order, now sorted by color (fiction on one side, non-fiction on the other). I’ll make sure to give Six Pixels an exposed position when I record the next one.

  4. Mitch, like I’ve been raving about on my Fan Page and elsewhere online…what CC and Ann (and you, as moderator) talk about is so similar to the role that we PMDs/Producers of Marketing and Distribution in the indie film and documentary world do.
    For those who don’t necessarily have an otaku for content slinging and creation, the need to bring in someone off the side who literally obsesses about generating quality stuff and whose blood bleeds and kvells black (from “ink”) is the best bet most corporations should have.
    Like we PMDs say — the best PMD is the one who is less interested in film and more into marketing. That’s how you’ll get your film sold and distributed…alas, that’s another story.
    I began 2010 listening to all your casts, trailed off during the summer, and came back in the fall.
    Just wanted to reiterate that I won’t be making a similar mistake in 2011. That’s *my* commitment to you. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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