Some of this is online, some of this takes place in the real world (since when is online not "the real world"?) and some of this is self-promotional…
Digital Nation. An amazing show/documentary from the PBS – Frontline folks. "Digital Nation is a new, open source PBS project that explores what it means to be human in an entirely new world – a digital world. It consists of this Web site as well as a major FRONTLINE documentary to be broadcast on Feb. 2, 2010. Our production team is posting rough cuts and raw footage on the web, and gathering input, feedback and stories from users as we go." Well, it’s all online now for you to view.
Power Within in Calgary. On March 9th, 2010, I’ll be sharing the stage with the likes of Anthony Robbins, Lisa Ling, Mike Lipkin and others in a full-day of live leadership learning and growth called, the Power Within. In you live in the area (or are willing to travel), you can call the Power Within at 1-866-POWER-04, mention my name and pay only $189 per ticket (the regular price is $229). Also, if you are going to attend the event, please make sure to drop me a line so that we can connect in person.
Richard Branson in Montreal. The ever-fascinating founder of Virgin is coming to my hometown for a very exclusive luncheon (only 500 tickets – and it is my understanding that it it either sold out or very close to it) followed by a live question and answer period on February 16th, 2010. Branson will discuss everything from entrepreneurship and marketing to the economy and space travel. Sounds like fun!