
A Little Bit of Chatter About Me

I don’t like talking about myself.

I don’t like promoting myself.
It runs deeper than that, but this isn’t the therapist’s office.
I’m not interested in lying down on this public couch and sharing right now.

I do love creating content.

So, my attitude to social media has always been the same as my attitude about any content that I create (or contribute to):

  • Make it valuable for the person consuming the content.
  • Ensure that the content improves their career/life.
  • Give and never take (unless you really need to) – thanks, Adam Grant.
  • Be consistent and make sure you are creating content frequently.
  • Always tinker and toil with the words… that’s how they resonate and become something more.
  • Be personable and not personal. This helps me avoid the minefield that is politics, personal lives, opinions and more, that may wind up shrinking my audience and community.
  • My network is my net worth – thanks, Jeffrey Gitomer.
  • At my old agency, we had a saying: “We welcome all who welcome all.” I like that. I still adhere to that.
  • Keep the self-promotion to a dull roar. This is the harder one. It’s always fun to share the highlight reel, isn’t it?

Last week, Tony Chapman interviewed me for his national radio show (and podcast), Chatter That Matters.

I’ve known Tony for decades.
He used to run a very successful marketing agency, Capital C, just as Twist Image/Mirum was finding its traction.
We would often run into each other at marketing events for the Canadian Marketing Association (and beyond).
He’s moved on since agency life.
So have I.
So, this was a fun and surprising conversation about life (my life… and the digital world)… and just how squiggly it can be (for you and for me).

This is our conversation

I just launched a new business called, ThinkersOne. It’s a unique way for organizations to buy bite-sized and personalized thought leadership video content (live and pre-recorded) from the best Thinkers in the world. If you’re looking to add insight, excitement, and big smarts to your regularly scheduled meetings, corporate events, company off-sites, “lunch & learns” and beyond, I think you will love this. We have democratized access to the smartest people by providing a platform for these incredible and personalized “moments in time.” Will you check it out?

Mitch Joel

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