Dave Delaney of the Podcast, Two Boobs And A Baby Plus, extended a speaking invitation to me for BarCamp Nashville. BarCamp Nashville is taking place next weekend – August 18th, 2007 at the Exit/In from 12:00 pm – 12:00 am. As with all unconferences, admission is one hundred percent free.
Here’s the vision for BarCamp Nashville (according to their website):
“We will create the greatest digital festival in the history of Nashville. We will bring together entrepreneurs, technology visionaries, digital creators, music revolutionaries and marketing gurus under one roof for twelve hours of education, innovation and recreation_ BarCamp Nashville is a ‘future’ festival. Expect a mashup of unexpected presentations with a great lineup of internationally recognized keynote speakers and live music. Nashville is ready for a celebration of our interactive, music, design and marketing communities. Space is limited, so register today.”
It sounds like a whole lot more than your standard BarCamp which, usually, focuses mostly on the technology side of life.
I’ll be presenting Six Pixels Of Separation – The New World Of New Marketing. I’ve got some news slides and concepts that I have yet to present live, so I’m excited to try them out on the BarCamp Nashville crowd. This will be my first time in Nashville. I’ll be arriving the night before, so feel free to let me know if you would like to meet-up.
As always, I’ll have my trusted M-Audio MicroTrack portable studio with me. Because BarCamp Nashville is taking place on a Saturday, odds are that my Podcast, Six Pixels Of Separation, will probably have a very “live” feel to it that week. I’m even thinking of recording it as I stroll through the event. I guess we’ll have to see what (and who) we can pick up.
Twist Image has also agreed to sponsor the event, and we’re all proud to continue to support this movement in taking the power of online social networking and moving it to the in-person experience (where the rubber really meets the road).
For more information and to sign up, please check out: BarCamp Nashville.
BarCamp Nashville Next Week – See You There

Podcasting from BarCamp Mitch? AWESOME DUDE!
We’re excited to see you.
Catch ya Friday.
I guess we’ll have to make sure you’re around when I hit the record button. I’m not sure how many people know how funny (in a dark and sarcastic way) you really are 🙂