I left the marketing agency world close to two years ago.
My plan was to invest.
My plan was to advise.
My plan was to create content.
My plan was to speak to audiences all over the world.
A continuation of what I had done for over 15 years.
A continuation on my own.
Then this.
Now what?
What’s next?
When’s next?
We don’t know.
When you ask me: “how are you doing?”
This article answers that question.
I spent about a third of time being an Itinerant.
Speaking in hotels.
Speaking in conference halls.
Speaking in boardrooms.
Convention centers.
All over the world.
As you think about working from home.
As you think about going back to the office.
Just remember…
There are plenty of people just like me.
People who can’t even imagine doing the job that they used to do.
That’s strange.
It’s not about who has it worse.
It’s about having that thing that you do get taken away.
Especially when that thing that you do is the right thing that you should be doing.
It will come back.
It will take time.
It will be hard.
With that…
We need to stay safe.
We need to wash our hands.
We need to keep our distance.
We need to stay in when possible.
We need to care for those who are our most vulnerable.
We need to watch out for one another.
We need to be the gatekeepers of our thoughts.
Looking forward to seeing you soon… on a stage… somewhere….
So nice to see my agent, Martin Perelmuter, from Speakers’ Spotlight featured in this article.
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