How much value does the comments section of a Blog add to your Social Media experience?
Before even getting into the main thrust of this Blog post, let me – personally – state that I am well aware that this debate probably lived (and died) back in 2003. The truth is that (like you) I have my own opinions about how Social Media plays out in a corporate role. At a macro level, I don’t think the model is something that anyone can template. I do believe that every corporation must have a unique Social Media strategy (one that is directly tied to business objectives and overall economic value to the company). I also believe that although the tools and platforms are agnostic regardless of whether you are a small, medium or large corporation, that the size of the organization does play a factor into what you can do (and how fast you can move).
Moving fast. Moving slow.
Here’s my personal and corporate journey for this Twist Image company Blog (yes, in case you weren’t aware, Six Pixels of Separation isn’t just my personal playground, but the voice of our Digital Marketing agency) in three acts:
- Act I – We started this Blog (originally called Multimarketing – Twist Image) in late 2003. The original impetus was to share our very personal stories. What we were reading, what were thinking, how we think differently, and why we think Digital Marketing is a critical piece of the marketing mix. The comment section was closed. We’re in bootstrap mode trying to close business, and I knew I would let down the audience/community, but balanced that reality with the fact that the Blog would (mostly) be a "what’s going on in our world" instead of a real conversation worthy of comments. Think: instant publishing versus community and conversation.
- Act II – A couple of years later, we changed the name to Six Pixels of Separation – The Twist Image Blog and opened up comments. The mindset at this point was: the Blog posts will be rich and have one thought (with – hopefully – a beginning, middle and end). The comment section becomes more of an, "ok, I’ve said my peace, what do you think?" type of area. In retrospect, it worked really well, and the comments always added perspective and balance (even without the back and forth).
- Act III – Welcome to it… right now. In case you haven’t been following along lately, I have become extremely active/vocal in the comments section. This is not an experiment or an anomaly. In a day and age when most people are abandoning their Blogs for Twitter feeds and Facebook updates, I’ve realized that this Blog really is an expression of my personal art, my thinking, my muse (yes, I love writing and thinking about Digital Marketing) and how Twist Image works. With all of that said, I do have thin skin, so I’m not looking for a fight, but rather a healthy conversation with some back and forth. So far, I am loving it. Instead of dragging me down into the minutia of a concept, I find that the comments and conversations are fostering new ways of thinking and they are inspiring more Blog post ideas … and inspiring me to Blog even more.
There are no hard and fast rules.
As fast as Social Media is moving and evolving, the millions of Blog are – for the most part – a culmination of many individual opinions (and this Blog is no different). Some will argue that you should always have comments. Some will argue that you should respond to every comment. Some will be thankful just to have fresh content published on a frequent basis. Some will look at every post as if they’re about to beat it up and mug it. Personally, I’m just looking for all of your thoughts so that they lead to a substantial conversation so that it leads to all of us being more inspired and smarter.
I hope you will play, learn and love along with me (and yes, it took me nearly seven years to figure this all out).
How much value does the comments section of a Blog add to your Social Media experience? What do you think?
I very much enjoy the “comments” section. Not only does it give me the opportunity to express my opinion, but gives me the chance to feel part of a community that shares the same interest, if not opinions.
And I’m many blogs, I find that the comments often add valuable contributions to the topic.
Your presence in the comments section is very much appreciated.
It’s all-important for me as the conversation allows me to bounce ideas. Often my goal is to explore this exchange of ideas until additional knowledge is added to my worldview, or a previously used assumption is discarded. Therefore, it is a way to refine my Worldview. To me, this is crucial, because most of the time we are making decisions, feeling and living according to a map of the World. However, the map of the World is not the World, and hence the necessity of always working for enhancing one’s own awareness.
In that exchange as well, perhaps, lies the same benefit to my audience, should it be open to the same perspective.
Since you started responding to comments, I did notice the overall experience has changed. I find that I spend more time commenting, knowing that you may comment back. That in itself adds value for me.
Through my journey of self-discovery (which I’m still on), I had begun to realize that I learn so much via the comment section of many of the other Blogs that I frequent. I also started to wonder what I might be able to learn if I got into the nitty-gritty on my own space. So far, I am astounded at the quality of the conversation and completely frustrated for not having done this years ago. Live and learn.
Reading others’ comments on blogs does add greatly to the experience for me. As you noted, the varying perspectives can be inspiring and lead to further great content. I’ve never underestood reading a blog, without reading the comments. It is like walking away in the middle of a conversation.
That said, I rarely ever comment on blogs myself. I’m part of that audience who aren’t gifted writers, finding it easier to converse in ‘real-time’. Which means that commentary about interesting ideas usually shows up in my twitter feed as a retweet, with a comment that will hopefully engage others in your playground, or mine.
As well, commenting can be intimidating. Again, if you aren’t a talented writer, it can be difficult to transfer the verbal skills to the page, especially when in the midst of experts. Now, if only you could capture the comments of those that talk about your content, you’d be a richer man.
Funny, I was always concerned that the comments would not give a worldview, but rather the opposite: after all, the people who are here and engaged must like the same things that I like (otherwise, they wouldn’t be here).
I worried that the Blog comments would all be similar and from a similar perspective. I’m not sure that my opinion has changed. Perhaps your comment is inspiration for a future Blog post…
Comments are where the engagement is, and all the better in a public forum like a blog.
I’ve made connections through blog comments that I haven’t been able to make otherwise.
It’s frustrating when a blogger doesn’t acknowledge you in the comments section, but I’ve come to understand that it’s normally:
a) a problem of scale (too many things on the go)
b) I didn’t add anything new of value
Comments (i.e. feedback) make the Internet go around.
I noticed that as well. The Blog posts are getting both more comments and people are coming back and adding on to other Blog comment threads. That – in and of itself – makes it totally worthwhile. I can actually feel this becoming like a non-real-time chat. So many more angles are coming alive… it’s becoming more interesting to me (and hopefully for you too).
I always tell audiences when I talk about Blogging that the difference between Blogs and traditional print journalism is that the traditional pieces of publishing end with the last period. When it comes to a Blog, the last period of the Blog post is usually where the conversation, quality and content actually begins.
Now I’m living those words (instead of just speaking them).
I also don’t think you have to be a gifted writer to comment. The whole point is to add – not to be perfect. For the Blogger, part of being vocal in the comments is also a way to take some of that intimidation away (I hope). We’re all human… just trying to share, grow and learn. I hope you’ll keep at it and keep adding.
You’re right. I also started to realize that I too was somewhat disappointed when I would comment and get nothing back… and here I was doing it to my own community (for shame). The challenge for the Blogger is in doing in a way where the comments are adding value and not just some kind of platitude or a stream of “thanks!” and “spot on!” because that can be almost as annoying for the user experience as seeing nothing at all.
“Comments are where the engagement is…” Hear, hear.
There are times lately, I admit, when I only skim the post, but will pretty diligently read through the comments. They tell me about what people really think – and when the regular commenters are engaging and smart, they are often a top reason to come back to a blog.
The discussions that comments create are also keeping people/writers honest, which was one of the most compelling pieces of “Web 2.0” when online writing, sharing and user-generated content first started coming into popularity.
“Non-real-time chat” – now that’s an awesome phrase that describes an interesting blog inspired discussion! I may have to borrow that phrase (with author attributes of course).
The thing that I appreciate most about the comments on your blog is the absence of ‘self promotion’ with people sticking in links to their own blogs/ webpages/ facebook fan page. Truly intelligent discussion that I much appreciate.
Comments are essential. Here they go live instantly without moderation. That’s ideal too.
Gravatar photos are a nice enhancement. How about using Disqus as a comment aggregator? That would allow us to see the comments a reader left on blogs. That’s a way to discover other sites and a way to gauge the commenter.
Your Act III comments on reader comments is a nice touch. This takes time. Can you sustain this interactivity indefinitely? It would be unfortunate to see an Act IV which reverts back to Act II in a few months.
Perhaps I will make commenting my own ACT I?
By pushing myself to coment daily on blogs I enjoy, it may lead to ACT II, and gaining confidence in writing those opinions that I speak so freely.
I’ve gained value from this conversation and article by example already. ;>
One word: relevance to the reader. Its a total hit and miss. Unless u, the blogger can capture me with relevance, then I’m off finding other blogs, tweets, facebook pages, yada yada yada…but I’m still here 😉
Comments are a two way street for me. Judging the success of the post or a blog by it’s comments is short sighted for me. I tend to look at the quality of comments.
It’s the problem with a lot of personally written blogs. You get a lot of “Yeah, great post, exactly what I was thinking” when all I’m looking for is “Um..what a load of BS”.
This is also one of the reason why most Blogs published by journalists on newspaper websites fail. They tend follow my Act II. The thing is, when you’re a recognized name, people don’t just want to share their perspective, they want to know be acknowledged by this known entity – it’s one of the reasons why the Old Spice/YouTube campaign did so well.
You can feel free to use that term, (I just made made it up). I also agree with you about the links. When I read comments that are just links, it makes my eyes roll and I worry about the overall user experience. I’d hate to see people not playing in the comments because most of them have become these types of self-promotion shills. I’m also going to have to strike the balance between acknowledgement and how much attention to pay to those who will inevitably do that.
We’re looking at Disqus as well as being able to subscribe to the comments via email and RSS. All of that will be “coming soon.”
As for sustaining it, I think this will be doable. The conversation is rich and it won’t/shouldn’t be just about me. I know – over time – we’ll have more and more community members/voices jumping in and threads will expand. It’s early day.
You’re still here… and you’re leaving comments… I know (and appreciate) that it is no easy feat. I hope the conversation will keep you engaged (that’s always the challenge).
I don’t love opposing views for the sake of having them. I prefer discussions with more of a critical thinking side to them. Most debates that take place on Blogs aren’t “real” debates. They are fights over semantics, and those semantics will never be resolved because each opposing side has a different definition. Hopefully, we’ll have more critical thinking-like conversation versus semantic debates.
I love “comments” and usually go through them with the same interest I have for the blog posts. I have learned many valuable things by reading them.
But there are other positive aspects: According to Ryan Deiss, “the core of Google’s algorithm is made up of three primary variables, Content, Links, Activity.” Activity is where comments would fit in and have an influence on a website rankings.
Currently I am pursuing turning intranet based comment boards to “innovation boards”. Our aim is to make every associate (in this case the financial sector) an innovator for the company, no matter what they do or at what level. So we have internal boards for people to comment, and make suggestions on everything. What we do, who we are, and their suggestions for how things could be done better. So for now, the boards are vital in providing a means for conversation.
FYI we place comment sections on all internal blogs, videos, and promotions.
I am finding a lot more value through these conversations – even came back specifically to read them. Hope to see this much conversation on my blog in the future.
Hi Mitch,
Yours is one of the few blogs I subscribe to via e-mail (and probably via Google Buzz), because I definitely want to read what you’re saying. I also subscribe via GoogleReader and NetVibes (and the podcast via iTunes), for when I hang out over in those places.
Most of the time, if reading via e-mail or Google Reader, I won’t comment, because I’m a scanner and skimmer. If I opt to share on Google Reader, I may add a comment, which also gets shared on my Google Buzz. I may also comment on Google Buzz if I’m over there.
RSS lets us get the content in full without having to look at the comments. Even now, I find I barely have time to leave this one and cannot read what others have said. I might not even stop back to see what others have read behind me.
I still see the point of allowing comments and being active in the comments for your own blog; I practice the same for my own.
Make it a great day!
Going hand in hand with your Ghost Blogger discussion with Mark Schaefer, I agreed with you both btw because that was possible within the framework of that thesis. I think 1 way blogging (or Ghost Blogging) works (meaning no response to comments) when the blogger truly has incredible content that is attractive. But it does not build a bond.
One of the best examples of Blog Ecosystem with lots of commenting and response is by @fredwilson (an VC investor in Twitter, Disqus, FourSquare, Tumblr etc). You have started evolving to that level of interaction impressively. It takes work. (We appreciate you for it!) But it enables a true discussion of ideas and I think both sides grow tremendously. It also encourages the discussion in a very positive way.
I also think it expands your brand and goodwill. I am much more likely to refer business your way because you are 3 Dimensional. I know you from your podcasts, talks with Jaffe, Twitter, and here. The trust factor becomes immense over time.
I also think as a blogger you would feel more appreciation when you respond to comments. Just my thoughts.
BTW on a side note you should think of using Disqus to me it is has immense potential as a social network that helps run social networks and discussions on all websites and has more IPO potential than Facebook.
Second side note you have some very intelligent people commenting on your blog. I enjoy the read.
I think comments DO provide engagement with the readers. Not too long ago, when attempting to get leaders in my own professional organization to come to my blog and interact with the readers there, I heard “well I tried to comment once and they just asked more questions about one or two specific things I said, maybe my writing is bad or something.” As I thought about it after we talked, I realized that IS what it’s all about. In a face to face conversation, there is an exchange of ideas and discussion. Blogs are no different. Not having that would seem to lose something in what the real goal is, interaction.
I love what you said in a previous reply on this page about how the last period of the blog is the beginning, not the end, of the discussion. I would argue that the comments themselves are essentially “mini blogs” contained on someone else’s real estate. Further, the proliferation of “the conversation” through individual blogs, to me, means that there is really only one “blog” (human connection) that is made up of all of our individual blogs and our comments within those blogs. I admit this is making my head hurt, but you inspired me to look at it that way!
Comments are extremely important. You can a lot from them. I’ve found that I’ve learned how to make my blog and business better by reading them. It’s a different then reading a tweet or post. A blog is more personal, detailed and honest.
For me, the impact of blog comments on my social media experience is very much relative. Some blogs I read are blogs in which I don’t really care to add anything or read what others have added, I just want to absorb and reflect on what’s been written. In other instances I find more value in the comments than in the post itself, because the post is a catalyst for idea generation; the comments are an essential part of my social experience in that regard.
Overall, I think they’re incredibly valuable, but I also believe there are exceptions to that rule, and the value is very much based in context.
Great post, Mitch.
I went through almost the same progression that you did, although I went through it more rapidly. When I started my first Blog two years ago, I wasn’t even thinking of comments, I even wrote under a pseudonym because it was simply a “this is what I think about things” Blog. I abandoned that one and recently have been writing at my new sites and now I relish comments. I make a conscious effort to respond to every comment I get because I can feel the conversation growing and that’s exciting to me. My mindset quickly shifted from “Hey, this is what I think, so deal with it” to “I wonder what you think, maybe I can get better at some of these things.”
Do you find yourself getting more excited about the comments people will leave than what you have actually written about?
Hi folks,
Commenting on blog postings is necessary if you want to experience an authentic conversation and develop a deeper understanding regarding a particular issue. The fundamentals of good interpersonal communications are mutual respect, active listening, and authentic feedback. In an interesting conversation, or dialog, there should be a genuine flow of creative and unique ideas that leads to a deeper collective understanding of the topic. Your friends, colleagues, and customers all desire personal feedback and great conversation.
Some interesting thinkers on the topic of communications and dialog include the existentialist philosopher Martin Buber, business thinker Peter Senge, and physicist and activist Ursula Franklin (see CBC Radio The Current on Democracy and the concept of “scrupling”).
Applauding you, Mitch, for you move into Act III. In general I find that comment threads are more lively when the author is also chiming in. And particularly when a commenter is challenging or questioning the post, I feel the blogger has a *responsibility* to respond.
It’s all about two things:
1. Relevancy.
2. Stamina.
Keep at it.
If this Blogs helps move just one person to engage and connect online, I say: “mission accomplished.”
One of the key attractions for me to this site was (thought-leadership content – a given) but the quality of responses and comments I discovered through-out the posts – giving me a greater/deeper learning experience. Very cool way to learn – thank you.
Hey Mitch,
Our blogging Journeys have been both similar and different. Like you I agree that the dialog that occurs in the comments of one of my “hot posts” both adds to the value of the post and becomes in many cases more valuable than the post itself. I tend to learn in the comments and also develop new idea to blog about later. I also have a thin skin but have learned to put armor over it when reading comments sometimes. 🙂
Agreed – I have noticed rankings of the Blog shift (in a positive way) as well. It’s a nice by-product, but I’d forgo it any day (because it’s not the reason to do it). I like being able to dive into a topic. And – the truth is – I can’t do that unless people add their side.
As long as someone is responding and encouraging the conversation, that can’t be a bad thing.
This is fully in line with my saying: “the conversation is everywhere,” and that’s not just speaking to Facebook and Twitter.
I would absolutely love to see a post that tracks the number of comments you have per post, both before and after this change you’ve made. Anecdotally, it looks like engagement has shot through the ceiling.
I remember hearing you referencing Chris Brogan’s massive amount of comments with perhaps a bit of envy on Media Hacks once. How do you feel now? 🙂
I think I would have been leery of jumping in and changing/mixing things up if the quality of the community wasn’t as high (and smart) as it is. I have much to learn from everyone here.
As for Disqus, we are looking into it. My understanding is that the documentation for it with MovableType is a little on the light side, so we’re trying to figure this all out.
Interaction can happen at many different levels in many different ways. Jumping into the comments is also a huge time commitment. As I don’t want responses to be platitudes, it has be real and it has to to take the interaction to another place. Hopefully, we’re headed in the right direction.
I often find myself passionately commenting on someone else’s Blog and then I get to the point where I say, “this may as well be a Blog post!” This further’s your comment because the comments section can very well be a great space to inspire new thinking and newer pieces of content.
Agreed. The comments actually have a different vibe from the actual Blog post at the top… it’s a whole new kind of content within the content. I know, that sounds weird… but it’s true!
This is such great thinking Eric – thanks for adding it in. I like the way the comments appear on this Blog (in order and threaded). I find that it makes the flow that much easier for those interested.
That being said, I agree with you. When I see 63 comments on a Blog post, two thoughts come to mind:
1. Someone must have already said what I was going to add.
2. I’m going to add my thought, but I don’t have time to read everyone else’s.
I’ve always said that deep-diving on a Blog is a true commitment.
I feel the same way, and that’s what makes me a little nervous about the sudden switch (me diving into the comments). I want to ensure that all of the content is of value and that the comments don’t take the value of the Blog in a direction that turns others off. I’ll be monitoring this and I hope you will as well.
There is always more energy when you shift from a one-way dialogue to both a two-way and group conversation. I definitely feel the dynamic of the Blog shifting… where it goes? Not quite sure yet 😉
I’m super-curious to see how much of a conversation starts versus someone posting a comment and I respond and they don’t respond back… because that’s not much of a conversation either.
OK, OK Bryper… it took me a few years, but I am finally following your advice. And yes, you were right… all along. Many thanks for not nagging me about it though 😉
I couldn’t agree more. I don’t think I can quantify the new thinking and sparks for other Blog posts that have been culled by simply skimming through the comments. Thank you.
Maybe we’re similar sizes and we can share that armour? I don’t have any yet…
The engagement level has both changed and increased, and that gives me a lot of energy to keep at it and to keep pushing.
How does it feel? Well, it’s 8 pm at night and I am still digging through comments and trying to add even more value (and I’ve been up since 5 am). So, it’s tiring… but in a real good way… thanks for asking.
I have been wondering if there are some professions where leaving comments on is wise. Have been looking at sites in our field (audiology/hearing aids) and finding a site where comments have been made is rare. The few that do have comments look suspiciously like a couple friends were cajoled into adding them. You know you have trouble when even your mother won’t take the time to comment, as I have seen on quite a few sites that list their “fans”.
Admittedly, most content in our field has not changed in 30 years (read:mostly bad). However, even good content seems to get ignored unless found on a major site like the Mayo Clinic.
Could it be that some subjects, in a practical sense, wish to be invisible? That people are unable to bring themselves to discuss a subject they would rather not discuss, even anonymously?
Dang, I wish I worked in a sexy field like selling underwear, or pine cones. 😉
Yeah, the Pine Cones Blog comments are the main driver of Internet traffic now. LOL.
My feeling is that by leaving comments open, you are leaving the conversation open – which is a good thing. Building community and conversations takes time. There are many mitigating factors that lead to a lack of comments and this could be anything (and everything) from the content being weak to the readers not understanding how to “play” with them. I don’t think this is an industry-specific issue. I think this is a content and community issue.
Excellent question Mitch, and good post –
It’s a funny thing, as we often advocate for people to utilize their comment section as many people above have pointed out as a further step in building a relationship with the readers, and having a good old fashion conversation.
But you know, it’s not for everyone –
A concrete example of this is Seth Godin, as he does have a comment section on his blog. Now, he has about as many readers as one would like, so it might be a time thing, but I think it’s something else.
Much like you, it isn’t his play: And that’s what I think is most important. When it comes to the discussion of “Should we or Shouldn’t We” I think it comes to down to what is going to best represent YOU. Seth does an amazing job at answer email, and has built a strong tribe of followers by other means.
– This is a total aside, but saw you bring it up in a comment back –
Also notice that you’re doing some self-development, as we all are (or should be doing). As we all spend more and more time in these areas, I think that final point of this blog being YOURS, was extremely correct. I like Twitter, Facebook and the rest – But I love my blog, Get Pissed-off when it doesn’t work, and am thrilled when I inspired someone through it.
Thanks for another great post Mitch
I find myself creating little rules about things like comments. Just as frequently, I find myself breaking them…this is probably indicative of something. Probably this: If comments really are a conversation, and no two conversations are alike, it makes just as little sense to create hard-and-fast rules about commenting as it does about conversation.
Someone desperately DMd me today about getting negative Facebook comments–she was in crisis mode. I felt like I had to have a one-liner solution for her, and this would probably comfort her. But you know what? Thought it might comfort her, it won’t help her. I don’t work for her or with her, and she knows her business best. If I were to spend an hour speaking with her, maybe I could sketch something out, but I didn’t.
It’s not arrogant to disable comments. It’s not generally advisable, either. There are almost as many goals for social media as there are users.
You won’t hear me argue that all actions taken in Social Media should be based on goals and outcomes. Why are you doing it? If you can’t answer that question (and tie it to business objectives), you’re going to be challenged to make it work.
On countless occasions, I’ve begged those who are critical of Seth’s Blog to quiet down. Prior to Blogging, we would would have to wait a year or two to hear from him (via a newly published business book). Now, everyday, he posts poignant and relevant new gems of content. Who cares if I can comment or not? I get juicy Seth Godin bits (for free!) every day… I’ll take what I can get.
There are no real hard and fast rules – especially when it comes to publishing and Social Media. There is simply culture and that culture depends on the space/community. That being said, I can tell you that according to Bazaarvoice, conversation/comments does help get the sale.
I’ll have to dig up the post/stat, but apparently, a product that is open and has comments/ratings has a 30% more likely of being sold (regardless of whether the comments are good or bad).
That’s gotta tell us something.
I’m also not delusional. I know it will take time for everyone (including me) to get used to this change. I’m hopeful people find it as valuable as I do.
Hi again,
As Mitch points out, it’s a bit of a one way conversation if we do not comment on the bloggers comments. However, it is ok as the conversation has already “flowed” to a new level thanks to the blogger facilitating the dialog. This type of blogging conversation might work well within or between businesses working on a project or a sales opportunity, particularly in a global (time zone) environment.
Though I’ve heard the statistic you mention, I’m not able to find it on our site. Perhaps I’ll look through some slide decks in a bit. The closest I could find was: “Products with syndicated reviews convert 26% higher. (Bazaarvoice Case Study, 2009)”.
No one likes the look of a ghost town. Products without reviews and blogs without comments are both ghost towns.
Yes, I think that was the stat I was referring to. Bazaarvoice has some more stats right here:
Agreed on that one instance, but there are many other times (and you can see this happening within this Blog post) where I ask some questions back, but there is no response as the person who left the comment has not come back.
This is – partially – my fault too. We will soon have the ability to subscribe to the comments via RSS and email and we are looking at a platform like Disqus as well.
Both agreements and disagreements are valuable, the first ones if only to reinforce some points. Both should ideally well argumented if the conversation is a discussion (not all blog posts are). A post or comment may not be a worldview, but is a reflection of a person’s belief system, and our worldviews are a collection of those.
Looking forward to your new blog post that you mentioned.
You said, “A post or comment may not be a worldview, but is a reflection of a person’s belief system, and our worldviews are a collection of those.” My concern is that if everyone who connects on this Blog has a similar belief system (and let’s admit it, why wouldn’t we?) I don’t believe that’s a diverse worldview. I believe that to be the worldview of like-minded individuals (not the same thing). I’ll let you know when I come around to a Blog post on the topic.
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I need to say, as a great deal as I enjoyed reading wht you had to say,
I cluldnt assist but shed interest right after a whilst.
Its as should you had a great grasp oon the subject matter, but
you forgt to incorporate your readers. Perhaps you ought to consider this from far a lott mire than one angle.
Or maybe you shouldnt generalise so considerably.
Itts better should yoou consider what others mayy have tto say ratther off just going for a
gut reaction towards the topic. Think about adjusting
your personal believed procedure and giving other people whoo
may ppossibly read this thhe benefit woth the doubt.