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CommsCanada Is Next With The Six Pixels Of Separation Keynote

Hot on the tail of my keynote at the CMA – Canadian Marketing AssociationDigital Marketing Conference 2006, I am presenting, Six Pixels Of Separation – How Communications Connects In A Digital World, as the keynote address for CommsCanada – Leveraging Internal Communication for Business Results in Toronto on November 8th – 9th, 2006 in Toronto at the Sheraton Center.
The Melcrum website that is hosting the conference says that CommsCanada is to:
“1. Provide fresh perspectives on ongoing communication interests, such as employee engagement, senior leadership communications, measurement, and change management. 2. Offer leading – edge views on the issues that are rapidly changing the communication field, such as increased corporate transparency, emerging technologies, and new communication models.”
And here’s the description for Six Pixels Of Separation:
“While many communications professionals are still struggling to understand the principles of online marketing, an entirely new generation of digital opportunities is already taking place and they’re being created by your customers, as well as your employees. Brand democratization is the most powerful force marketers will face in the coming months and years.
But what does this mean to communications professionals, and how do we keep our jobs?
In this session, Mitch Joel will help unravel the complex world of Listenomics, Brand Democratization, Consumer Generated Content and Instant Personal Publishing. If mediums like Blogging, mobile blogs, narrowcasting, Podcasting, location-based services, viral marketing, social networking and search engine marketing make your eyes glaze over, this talk is for you.
Understand how these new marketing touch points are creating the ultimate in communications where the results are staggering and the loyalty is off the charts.
Consumers and employee are creating content, and they’re either extolling the virtues of your company or raking it through the mud. This can pose serious issues for your communications programs, product development, Human Resource departments, corporate legal teams and businesses in general. It is imperative that businesses become a part of this dialogue.”
The feedback from the Digital Marketing Conference has been great, so if this is of interest to you, go here: CommsCanada.

Mitch Joel

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