It had to happen sooner or later. Why not sooner?
A bunch of Canadian Blog buddies got together and realized that Canada had no big idea or Web 2.0 gathering. Welcome to mesh.
Here’s the copy directly from the mesh website (they say it way better than I can paraphrase):
mesh is Canada’s Web 2.0 conference, being held in Toronto on May 15 & 16. You will hear from thought leaders, connect with peers, and get a better understanding of the impact of new developments online. mesh brings together people who are passionate about the potential of the Web to change how we live, work and play. Meet the next generation of Web ideas, leaders and companies at mesh.
mesh is for marketers, public relations practitioners and the media; it’s for entrepreneurs, investors, and software developers; for those in academia, politics, public policy, NGOs and non-profits. If you’re trying to grasp the fast-moving world of Web 2.0, you need insight and intelligence. Participate in keynotes, panels and workshops, and create your own conversations to get the knowledge you need.
Canada needs a conference like mesh. Web 2.0 is happening all around us, as the Internet becomes the place to communicate, collaborate and entertain. mesh is brought to you by people who want to inspire enthusiasm, creativity and opportunity; by people who believe that for Canada to remain vibrant and competitive, we have to connect with each other and share our ideas about what the Web should be.”
It sure does sound like my kind of get-together.
The event was pulled together by Mark Evans, Senior Technology Reporter for The National Post, Mathew Ingram, technology writer for the Globe and Mail, Rob Hyndman, a technology writer from Toronto, Mike McDerment, an online entrepreneur, and Stuart MacDonald, the dude who started Expedia Canada.
mesh is being held at the MaRS Collaboration Centre in Toronto and has a more-than-impressive line-up of speakers including Steve Rubel, Tara Hunt, Amber MacArthur and many more.
I have been asked to speak, but mesh falls on the same dates as the Canadian Marketing Association – CMA – National Trade Show and Conference. I’m trying to figure out scheduling so that I can attend both.
In the meantime, check out the mesh Blog (you knew that was coming): mesh Toronto Blog.
You can also register for the conference here: mesh – Registration.
Connect, Share, Inspire At Mesh – Canada's Web 2.0 Conference