Want to change the way you think about business forever?
On May 21st, 2013 my second business book, CTRL ALT Delete, will be published. The question this book asks is simple: do you want to employable in the next five years? Well, what are you going to do about it? The book is divided into two parts. The first section is called, Reboot: Business, and it uncovers five key movements that have changed business forever that most brands are doing nothing (or very little) about. The second section is called, Reboot: You, and it walks you through the seven triggers you need to apply to your business/life to work in this forever-changed environment. My good friends at Audible provoked me to come up with a list of audiobooks that would create the "best of the best" when it comes to rebooting your business. And now, they want you to win The Ultimate Business Reboot Sweepstakes audiobook library.
First, here are the amazing audiobooks that are yours to win (in alphabetical order)…
- A Whole New Mind – Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future by Daniel H. Pink.
- Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brene Brown.
- Delivering Happiness – A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose by Tony Hsieh.
- Groundswell – Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies by Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff.
- The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail by Clayton M. Christensen.
- Linchpin – Are You Indispensable? by Seth Godin.
- The Little Red Book of Selling: 12.5 Principles of Sales Greatness by Jeffrey Gitomer.
- Macrowikinomics – Rebooting Business and the World by Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams.
- Made To Stick – Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die by Chip and Dan Heath.
- Makers – The New Industrial Revolution by Chris Anderson.
- The New Rules of Marketing & PR 2.0 by David Meerman Scott.
- Practically Radical – Not-So-Crazy Ways to Transform Your Company, Shake Up Your Industry, and Challenge Yourself by William C. Taylor.
- Predictably Irrational – The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions by Dan Ariely.
- Quiet - The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain.
- Re-imagine! – Business Excellence in a Disruptive Age by Tom Peters.
- BONUS: Ctrl Alt Delete - Reboot Your Business. Reboot Your Life. Your Future Depends on It by me
What you win:
- A one year Audible Listener Gold Membership plus all 16 game-changing audiobooks that have been personally selected by me to help you reboot your business.
How To Enter:
- Go to http://sixpixels.com/audible.
- "Like" Audible on Facebook (the sweepstakes is exclusively available to Fans of Audible).
- Enter for a chance to win by providing your email address.
- PLUS: For each person you refer that enters the sweepstakes, you can earn 2 additional entries to increase you chance of winning the grand prize.
But wait… there’s more!
If you also pre-order my latest audiobook, CTRL ALT Delete on Audible, you get $10 off of the audiobook and for each pre-order, Audible will donate $5 to the charity Jumpstart to support education for pre-school children in low-income neighborhoods. Alternatively, you can also get the CTRL ALT Delete audiobook for free when you try Audible risk-free for 30 days.
The fine print:
- The sweepstakes is open to US residents only.
- You must be 18 years and over to participate.
- The pre-order promotion applies to all pre-orders, including Canada.
Thanks, Audible!
I have been a fan of Audible and listening to business books for as long as the company has been in business. They have a massive selection of digital audiobooks and as I was choosing my books for The Ultimate Business Reboot Audiobook Sweepstakes, I was pleasantly surprised to see that all of the titles I had on my initial list (which was close to fifty titles long) were easily found on Audible. Plus, the offer they are making for anyone who pre-orders the new book is not only very kind, but the money to Jumpstart will make a difference in people’s lives. I hope you will enter the sweepstakes and/or pre-order the audiobook for CTRL ALT Delete right here:
Love this, Mitch. CTRL ALT Delete was amazing and this audiobook promotion is brilliant.
Can’t wait for your launch!
What a great promotion, Mitch. Thanks for sharing. And though I’ve read your latest book already, I’m very eager to take in the audiobook as well.
The sweepstakes is open to US residents only
Have to go and buy it on Amazon – I’m sure it will be a great read along with the others on the list.
Best of luck with the launch
Too bad, I am french… Juts waiting for your book though ! Will it be available in France ?
Great list and looking forwards to your new book. But doesn’t step 2 of the competition violate Facebook’s terms of service?
Hi Peter,
Good question.
Actually, Facebook’s Pages Terms for Promotions prohibit using a Page ‘Like’ as a method of entry for a sweepstakes or promotion, but do not prohibit fan-gating access to exclusive content or promotions.
From https://www.facebook.com/page_guidelines.php#promotionsguidelines
” iii. You must not condition registration or entry upon the user taking any action using any Facebook features or functionality other than liking a Page, checking in to a Place, or connecting to your app. For example, you must not condition registration or entry upon the user liking a Wall post, or commenting or uploading a photo on a Wall.
iv. You must not use Facebook features or functionality as a promotion’s registration or entry mechanism. For example, the act of liking a Page or checking in to a Place cannot automatically register or enter a promotion participant.”
(There’s more, but not particularly relevant to this promotion)
While The Ultimate Business Reboot Sweepstakes is exclusively available to Audible Fans on Facebook, entering an email address is the method of entry for the sweepstakes.
Hope that helps to clarify.
Have a great day
Another one outside the US. Good luck with the launch though, great book title
For all those non-US folks… fear not… there will be other and more opportunities for fun stuff. I promise