Find Your Vision And Creativity

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I want to be Alex Bogusky… and you should too.

Forget that fact that Alex was one of the guy’s behind one of the most exciting advertising agencies of all time (Crispin Porter + Bogusky), and forget the fact that many in the marketing community (myself included) consider him one of the smartest creative minds our industry has ever seen. A while back, Alex decided to leave it all behind and look for something else. One of his projects is something called FearLess, which acts as a holding company for his many new adventures in consumer advocacy and the changing landscape of what it means to be a brand. He also now hosts his own online show, and this week’s episode is called, Unlocking Your Personal Vision. This episode features a conversation with the team behind UFUSE – a company that helps individuals and companies unlock their vision and creativity. This one hour conversation is especially of interest, because Alex actually spent a week with them pushing his own vision and creativity to new heights.

This should inspire you… and get you thinking…


  1. Wow – that’s potentially the best hour I have ever spent online. It fit so well with what I had been thinking about because I just finished Sinek’s Start With Why and had been thinking a lot about my personal why. The conversation in this video was the perfect catalyst to framing that.
    Thanks for posting.

  2. hi,
    great video, thanks for sharing. The next point is : is the whole process (which seems to be pretty exciting!) something which leads to a stable vision, or to something that depends on the moment. I think MY vision (event if not really explicit) has change during my life (let’s say, since 10 years). So this process should be done every few years, non ,

  3. Exactly the same thing happened to me!
    I looked at the time of the video with 1hr+ then thought (this is time consuming)..
    But I decided to listen a little bit.. Then I don’t know, It made me listen til the end of the video..

  4. Find Your Vision And Creativity …. AND THEN STICK TO IT, PLZ!!!
    Sadly, in the advertising agency world, clients and their dollars have much more power than vision or creativity.
    And thx for sharing this video BTW.

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