Everything has a cool name. When I leave an audio comment to someone’s Podcast from my car, I call it a Carcast. When I leave a non-standard voice mail message, I call it a VoiceMailCast. If someone creates an online channel for a specific topic, we call it Slivercasting.
Enter the Flash Cow.
What is a Flash Cow?
I’ve been doing them for years. A Flash Cow is simply an ad-hoc event. I took the notion of a Flash Mob and blended it with the Purple Cow. This past Tuesday I ran a Flash Cow event for my Montreal Business Book Club that featured Heath Slawner who spoke about the power of persuasion. We had close to 80 guests (and an additional 30 on a waiting list).
What makes this a Flash Cow?
It’s a spur-of-the-moment and trigger-based on what type of content or speaker falls into my lap. From there the only form of communicating about the event is here on the Blog and one email blast to my personal network. I take all reservations on a first-come, first-serve basis. There is always a charge (usually about $20), with 100% of the money going to charity (Twist Image underwrites the costs – if there are any).
It’s become a lot of fun – there’s no pressure, they’re casual, people network and we all do something good for our community while learning.
Have you done a Flash Cow of you own? I’d love to hear about it.
Flash Cow – The New Mash-Up Meet-Up