Timing is everything.
Last week, I was in a meeting and then hopped back in to my office and took a quick glance at my emails to see that Shel Holtz (who along with Neville Hobson host one of the best business Podcasts, For Immediate Release) was asking the CAPOW (Communications Advertising Podcasters Of The World) group if one of us would like be the guest co-host for today’s episode of For Immediate Release as Neville has a travel day.
I replied that I was willing to take the plunge. After a barrage of emails from my Podcasting peers further confirming that I am, indeed, a Podcasting Whore, word came back from Shel that I was on.
We’re recording in the next few hours and then, through the magic of technology (and editing), the show should be posted sometime later this afternoon.
Being a huge fan of For Immediate Release, this is an exciting opportunity.
It’s also an amazing testament to the word “co-opertition.” All of us on the CAPOW list could consider each other competition, but we don’t. We focus on building the community of advertising and communications Podcasts and forging the conversation forward.
I would say that we’ve all become friends – even if we’ve never met (does Second Life count as meeting?).
Listen to the Podcast here: For Immediate Release – The Hobson And Holtz Report.
UPDATE: It is live. I had a great time co-hosting. Thanks for the opportunity Shel and Neville. You can listen to the Podcast here: For Immediate Release – The Hobson & Holtz Report – Podcast #161: August 7, 2006 – Guest Co-Host: Mitch Joel.
For Immediate Release Podcast Today Has A Guest Co-Host

Mitch, listening to the podcast now! Congratulations on the latest notch in your belt 🙂
Some pretty damn fascinating stuff happening in Second Life that you all talked about. As more and more businesses venture in there, the momentum will continue to build.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: As business communicators, we owe it to our clients to explore Second Life as well.
–Bryan Person
Blog: Bryper.com
Podcast: NewCommRoad.com