Gary Vaynerchuk Talks Personal Branding, Social Media And The Future

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Episode #200 of Six Pixels of Separation – The Twist Image Podcast is now live and ready for you to listen to.

Few people have set the intertubes on fire as much as Gary Vaynerchuk. It’s the story that legends are made of. Starting out with a very real/human video Podcast called, Wine Library TV, Vaynerchuk converted his families’ New Jersey liquor store into a passionate brand by connecting the many Social Media channels (and turned millions of dollars in profit along the way). In being a very raw and candid online personality, the popularity of Wine Library TV turned Vaynerchuk into a household name. He’s currently promoting his first business book (a New York Times best-seller), Crush It, while launching his own marketing agency, Vayner Media. Along with that, he’s become a serial entrepreneur launching many unique projects and investing in online start-ups like Gowalla (and others). His passion is as intoxicating as the wine he sells. Vaynerchuk is a personal branding juggernaut as well (he has over 800,000 people following him on Twitter). In this episode we discuss the new marketing landscape, the realities of the new marketplace, personal branding, the future of Facebook, if brands can win with Social Media, and the biggest question: can he scale it? Enjoy the conversation…

You can grab the latest episode of Six Pixels of Separation here (or feel free to subscribe via iTunes): Six Pixels of Separation – The Twist Image Podcast #200.


  1. Wow, that was a very interesting podcast. I will consider buying “Crush It”. At least the first chapter was very promising.

  2. Hi Mitch,
    I work online helping authors to promote their books using social networking. Just began listening to you book as I was traveling up to MN last weekend. WOW!
    I was getting so excited and so many fantastic ideas were popping into my head for my clients I had to keep turning off the book so I could just stop and process for few minutes. I really can’t talk about your book without gushing so I’d better stop here but believe me I will be recommending your book as required reading for every author I work with to give them a clear picture of what social networking can do for them.
    Keep up the good work!
    Gail P. Smith

  3. This was a great conversation, Mitch. I was just sorry I couldn’t get over from Stockholm to hear you in Oslo. Hopefully you’ll be back here in the Nordic region soon.

  4. Hi Mitch,
    Excellent podcast, look forward to yours every week. Some very valuable information from Gary…especially for an educator deeply interested in Personal Branding. Love your monthly jabs with Joseph Jaffe and one of these days I am going to pick up Six Pixels…
    Teg Brar

  5. very good chat with gary. i couldn’t get over how he calls you “joel”. i hope that’s not a mistake!
    more importantly: i am often perplexed at how infatuated gary is with “me first”. finding new websites and services is a big part of what we do, but i don’t think it should be everything.
    anyways i’m fascinated by him everytime i hear him speak, so right there counters my criticism of him. even though he’s obsessed with shiny new objects, he does a great job at connecting and that’s the most important thing to take away.

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