Marketing is about telling great stories. Living a happy and successful life is about the stories we tell ourselves.
Sometimes, we forget how important a story can be. Sometimes we don’t think hard enough about the stories we constantly repeat in our minds. Almost all of the time, we forget that whatever story it is (the one that gets someone to buy something or the one that tells us we’re depressed) can be changed, reinvented into whatever it is that we want it to be.
The people who change their stories are the ones who usually overcome tremendous challenges. The brands that change their stories are the one who usually become unforgettable.
Chris Brogan (author of Social Media 101 and the co-author of the best-selling business book, Trust Agents, along with Julien Smith) passed me his copy of the book, A Million Miles In A Thousand Years, by Donald Miller (you can see his video book review below) while we were in Salt Lake City together. The truth is that I have been falling behind in my book reading, but based on Brogan’s rave review, I dove right in. It is an incredible journey. I devoured the book in less than 24 hours. Miller is a very funny, poignant and spiritual person who deconstructs what makes a story (and the stories we tell ourselves) work or hold us back (note: the book is published by Thomas Nelson and does have some spiritual Christian content within it).
This is an amazing and important book for everyone in Marketing… because it’s the furthest thing from a Marketing book that you will ever read but 100% relevant to everything we do… everyday.
I sent an email over to Michael Hyatt (the CEO of Thomas Nelson) to let him know how much I enjoyed the book and how much it moved me to think differently about what it takes to tell a great story (I am connected to Michael through these Social Media channels), and he offered to give 10 copies of the book away to the Six Pixels of Separation community.
Here’s how you can win a free copy of the book, A Million Miles In A Thousand Years, by Donald Miller:
Thomas Nelson has asked that you leave a comment below about the importance of story in your life and then post a link back to this Blog post via your own Blog or on Twitter or Facebook. I’m going to ask a couple of my fellow team members at Twist Image to act as judges (and they’ll pick the 10 best ones) [full disclosure: I am being very lazy here. Chris Brogan ran a similar contest, so I am just stealing the same question he asked because I thought it was perfect – thanks Brogan!].
So, what is the importance of story in your life?
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