I thought the publishing date was going to be Thursday, but it turned out to be today. As I mentioned in my Blog posting, InfoPresse Next Week, I have been asked by InfoPresse Magazine to provide news items and insight from the Digital Marketing space. The column was published today in their daily e-newsletter, Quotidien InfoPresse, and is called, Google Poursuit Sa Conquête.
This first installment is all about the many new initiatives Google has put out in the past little while, including new video ads in the form of Pay-Per-Click like AdWords.
The articles will be in French, and here’s a sampling from the first one:
“Google s’apprête à poursuivre la révolution du marketing en ligne lancée par AdWords en y ajoutant des publicités vidéo payables au clic. La nouvelle annoncée cette semaine a été accueillie par un barrage de commentaires négatifs parmi les blogueurs, ce qui est habituellement un signe que l’initiative va connaître beaucoup de succès!”
You can read the full news item here: InfoPresse – Le Web Selon Mitch – Google Poursuit Sa Conquête.
InfoPresse Publishes Le Web Selon Mitch