YouTube is just one of the new media channels that has changed lives and taken people with amazing potential and talent and brought their magic to the masses.
After watching this video of a young guy from Brazil play a guitar solo, I am further reminded about the dramatic changes in the media landscape after only a couple of years. Check out this video called, Insanely Amazing Guitar Solo:
When I started in the music industry (back in the very-late eighties), there were countless stories regaled about the next Eddie Van Halen of the world. Young people, living in Suburbia, USA, sitting on the corner of their bed, practicing sixteen hours a day as posters of Guitar Gods like Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page and Steve Vai hung overhead.
Those kids with a dream now have a free and global media channel to strut their stuff. Whoever the young guitarist is in the video, you hardly get a glimpse of his face. In my humble opinion, he’s not doing it to get his “face” out there, he’s doing it to show his skill. He might even be interested in seeing how people rate him (four out of five stars with well over five thousand people rating him). Most importantly, almost one and half million people have viewed this clip.
Who knows where, exactly, he lives in Brazil, but an audience of over one million people (and growing) will probably be the biggest venue this Fret Master will ever play.
Videos like this remind me that YouTube is important to Marketers. It’s a fertile testing ground to see if your message, talent and content resonates with the world. It is an open channel that could take your idea off of the whiteboard and to the masses.
This young person and his guitar solo reminded me of a time when I wondered about all of this talent that is spending countless hours in a basement with no acknowledgement (and the odds of “getting out there” were very low), and how – in the short span of a few years – these online channels are now less about distribution and more about empowerment and experimentation.
Marketing has spent too long worrying about distribution. Marketers need to spend more time thinking about empowerment and experimentation. If you’re ever not sure that this is the right path, just come back here and watch this guy playing guitar.
I’ll bet Eddie, Jimmy and Vai are.
Just A Kid With A Dream In His Basement No More

Hi Mitch,
Very much agree with your conclusions.
Feel marketers especially need to understand that the hundreds of thousands of bedroom virtuosos on YouTube are in it for the new opportunities of public experimentation (as you point out) and for relationship-building, as well.
In fact, beyond the changes in distribution, I believe we’re seeing a new communications and life-style ethic at work. I cover this in a recent post on my blog:
As a musician myself, I can attest that new venues such as YouTube and blogging have been crucial in breaking that sense of isolation that has held down so much talent for so long (ever since the recording industry brought in the decline of amateur musicianship in our culture).
And some of the pro’s are learning the YouTube lesson very well, too. One good example for me is Peo Kindgren, from Denmark.
Not only is his playing beautiful, but he’s absolutely diligent with communicating with his growing, international fan base.
No doubt there are many others like him. And so YouTube is great news for all indie artists who care to discover and pursue the new communications ethic, and for marketers who value consumer/audience feedback and participation.