Just sent this email out:
Twist Image is growing again. We’re looking for a full-time English communications/writing guru. Someone who’s just as cool creating ad copy as they are with forming a great sales pitch. Someone who can write a press release or website copy (and knows how very different the two are).
If you know someone who can take the word ‘red’ and make it ‘cherry’ tell them to give me a holler. I’m looking for someone to take our clients’ words and make them sing, sparkle and shine with all the money it will help them generate.
Regular resumes bore me. Show me the value. Tell me if you know someone (or if you are that someone) who gets it and knows how to say it in many different ways (depending on the medium).
Want to join an extremely passionate group of marketing and communications people? Want to become part of our team? Want to make every word zip, boom and bang? Do tell!
The position is full-time and based out of the Twist Image offices in Montreal. The work will be for our internal needs and client needs. Salary depends on the value created.
Contact me if you’re interested.
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