
Let’s Light The Night And Do Some Good…

I walked alone last year. I will walk alone this year.

I try to be a beacon of light.
I try to be a beacon of hope.
I try to be a beacon of positivity.
I try to be a beacon of valuable business information.
I try to be a decoder of the future for business leaders.

Over the years, I also post pictures of my morning walks through the streets of Westmount.
I like it when the sun makes a cameo.
Every year, I do a special walk for a special cause.

It’s called Light The Night.

It started over a decade ago.
When my best friend’s daughter was diagnosed.
Thankfully, she has been in remission for a long while.
She leads a happy and healthy life.
Many are not so lucky.

Too many kids get AML and don’t make it.
Too many adults get AML and don’t make it.
It’s a cruel blood cancer.

Please support me this year.

There is no grand walk.
There is no grand event.
That will not stop me.

I will still walk.

I will always walk.
I will walk alone.
I will commit to 12 km over two days.
This coming Saturday and Sunday.
I hope that you can commit to helping me out with a kind donation.

I am asking you to support me.
I am asking you to support these kids.
I am asking you to support this cause.

Please help.

This is another different year.
This is another difficult year.
For all of us.
I set a goal of $5000 to raise from family and friends.
If my content has ever struck a chord with you.
If my content has ever made you smile.
If my content has ever help your business think sharper.
Please consider this as the official “tip jar.”

If you can find it in your heart to please give…

Please do.
Over to you.
Thank you.

Please donate right here: Light The Night 2021.

Mitch Joel

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