I am presently attending and helped to organize a national young leadership conference in Toronto. Yes, the sessions can drone on and on but there is usually, hopefully, some great nuggets of information.
For me one nugget is a simple play on words. In the past our community campaign always asked people to “give generously.” At the end of a very powerful session where two people spoke about how the community changed their lives we were all give Lance Armstrong-type bracelets. The difference? These were in blue and they read “Live Generously.”
The difference between “give” and “live” is huge. Way more than two letters. It’s about what you can be versus what you should do. I try and give generously but everyday I can learn a little more about how to live generously.
As a marketing tool, I’m not a fan of playing off of Lance’s thing. As a community minded individual these words: “Live Generously” are very powerful. Also, they are mighty close to “Livestrong.”
That’s the nugget. Meeting so many amazing people from across Canada who I’m making an immediate connection to is, as Seth Godin calls it, the Free Prize Inside.
Live Generously
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I made the world a better place today, did you?
Yet again, this is a thought inspired by Mitch. In Live Generously , Mitch writes about the notion of creating value for others day in and day out. That is powerful.
Some people do this ALWAYS. Some people do this NEVER. Some people do this by acc…