I wrote an article on Blogs in Quebec a couple of months ago for Marketing Magazine titled, Blog, Blog, Blog, and it led to another contribution that hit the streets today.
Building Le Buzz is the latest article, and it is within the Report On Quebec section of this upcoming week’s issue of Marketing Magazine. The article is an overview of word-of-mouth marketing in Quebec.
Here’s a snippet from Building Le Buzz:
“But real word-of-mouth marketing starts by creating a product or service that is worth mentioning. From rock bands (back to Arcade Fire) to entertainment (Cirque du Soleil) to specific coolness like Aldo Shoes, Le Château and Matt & Nat handbags (all Quebec creations), a great word-of-mouth campaign is based on one core element: The product or service kicks butt and people will rant and tell all their friends about it because it helps simplify their lives, makes them feel good or even provides bragging rights.”
The article also features some quotes from an interview I did with Max Lenderman (author of Experience The Message).
If you have a subscription to Marketing Magazine, you can access the article here: Marketing Magazine – Building Le Buzz By Mitch Joel.
If you don’t, email me (maybe I can work something out).
Marketing Magazine Features Building Le Buzz