I wonder what James Surowiecki would think about Flash Mobs and the recent Montreal Pillow Fight Club that took place on April 7th, 7:00 pm at Dorchester Square?
Now to answer some questions:
James Surowiecki is the famed author of The Wisdom Of Crowds – an amazing book that that defines how all of us are smarter than any one of us, and what that means to a world so engaged in living online.
A Flash Mob is best defined by Wikipedia as: “a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, do something unusual for a brief period of time, and then quickly disperse. They are usually organized with the help of the Internet or other digital communications networks.”
And here’s the definition of a Pillow Fight Club from Wikipedia: “A pillow fight flash mob is a fad that has emerged from the social phenomena of flash mobbing. The flash mob version of massive pillow fights is distinguished by the fact that nearly all of the promotion is Internet-based. These events occur around the world, some taking the name Pillow Fight Club after the London pillow fight group.”
Close to 100 people showed up in Montreal at Dorchester Square on April 7th to have a pillow fight. Why? Some say that Flash Mobs are simply social experiments or that they are created to illustrate the conformity of human beings or even our need and desire to belong. Either way, they are gaining in popularity and Pillow Fight Clubs have already Flashed in Milan, London, Madrid, Tel Aviv, Toronto, New York City, Budapest and many more cities.
I’m sure you’re asking the same questions we are all asking: who is creating them and how come people are showing up to take part?
Next step: Flash Mobs brought to you by Google?
Here are some the related links:
– Montreal Pillow Fight Club Video.
– Montreal Pillow Fight Club Flickr Photos.
Thanks Dave.
Montreal Pillow Fight Club – Flash Mob Defies The Wisdom Of Crowds