“As younger people reveal their private lives on the Internet, the older generation looks on with alarm and misapprehension not seen since the early days of rock and roll. The future belongs to the uninhibited,” reads the first paragraph of the article Say Everything by Emily Nussbaum for New York Magazine.
First off, what I appreciated most about this article is that it is long, informative and well-researched. In a day and age where it’s sometimes hard to distinguish between a Blog posting and a magazine article, it made me love magazines again.
OK, enough of the behind the scenes rant, New York Magazine really cuts through social media and how easy it is to produce content and distribute it to the world. Don’t believe the hype? Upload something to YouTube – it’s about as difficult as sending an email.
There are social issues attached to social media that Marketers sometimes forget. While we’re busy looking for ways to top Coke’s Grand Theft Auto commercial or a new way to get the attention of people like the Coke – Mentos Experiment, we might be forgetting all of the young people who are no longer just expressing themselves by wearing all black and slapping a Marilyn Manson poster on the back of their bedroom doors. Now, because of access to easy technology and an always on link to the world, while they’re behind those doors they’re quicker to film what they’re thinking and upload it to YouTube then they are to share their emotions with their parents, family and friends.
Julien Smith of the In Over Your Head Podcast took this initiative and democratized it with this brilliant new site: Listen To Your Kids.
Definitely make a stop over at Listen To Your Kids and then, take a read of: Say Everything – New York Magazine.
New York Magazine And The Must-Read Article, Say Everything