It looks like Google co-founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, were serious about Google being a company “that does good things for the world, even if we forgo short-term gains.”
Google announced that it will give one billion dollars to charitable causes. Some will be made through their project and others through different channels.
I’m not sure how much one billion dollars is in terms of it being related the company’s performance, but it sets an excellent example for other companies to help foster community and build a better society. Whether it’s a drop in the bucket or making the bucket runneth over, it’s impressive and worth noting.
As someone who tries to be involved in my community as much as possible, it’s really as simple as recognizing that if I’m lucky enough to not be a recipient, then I have an opportunity to be a giver (at some level).
Here is a link to more details about Google’s gift:
Google Gives $1B To Charitable Causes.
One Billion Reasons To Love Google