Last night was the annual Twist Image holiday party. We had an entire resto-bar to ourselves and there were many phases to the evening. The theme was “How To Party” (not that anyone on the team needs any instruction – they all have MBAs in it). I left at the end of Phase III (when we finished off at the rest-bar). It was late. My understanding this morning was that there were two more phases (and, it got ugly).
In the spirit of post-party droop, I’m going to let you rest your eyes (and my weary fingers) and direct you to a cool Podcast for your listening pleasure.
Anna Farmery over at The Engaging Brand and I had a conversation last week on Personal Branding and how to build a Personal Brand. The contents of this discussion can be heard on The Engaging Brand – Show #051.
Personal Branding is a subject that is near and dear to my heart. I have spoken on this topic at The Power Within (and will continue to do so in 2007).
If you don’t think personal branding is important to you, just recognize that your person brand is developing even if you are not paying attention to it. To find out why that matters, what a personal brand is and how to make the one you have more effective for yourself, check out The Engaging Brand Podcast over here:
The Engaging Brand – Show #051 – Personal Branding.
Personal Branding Over At The Engaging Brand Podcast

C’mon…where’s the flickr tag so we can all see the debauchery?
I just saw one set. It’s not pretty. It’s probably best that we keep them private 😉 but thanks for inquiring Dr. Jones.