Podcasters Across Borders is on. My mind is melting. Reality. Deal with it.
It started off yesterday while checking out Tod Maffin from the CBC who presented, From Idea To Air: Making Radio Stories That Don’t Suck, and continued today with the following presentations that left a mark on me (there were others… and some good ones too ): Arthur Masters – Context Is King: Re-Examining Conventional Wisdom For An Unconventional Media, Ted Riecken – Who Are We Anyway? Podcasting As A Community, Hugh McGuire – How Podcasting Will Save The World. Hugh (he of LibriVox fame) rocks – and this was one of the best presentations of the day, but he was up against some crazy tough competition with Julien Smith from In Over Your Head and the ever-brilliant, Getting Your Podcast Seen (As Well As Heard).
Right now, Sonya “Sassy Science” Buyting is teaching us all a thing or two with: A Whale Of A Tale – Storytelling For Podcasts. I’m very excited to see Bryan “Bryper” Person after that with Managing Your Social Media (Bryper is host of the excellent Podcast, New Comm Road).
While the cost to attend Podcasters Across Borders was a paltry one hundred dollars, I’ve quickly learned (once again) that the best things in life are free. I’m not sure how to put a value on it, but just hanging around this group of uber-smart marketing, technology and community-building people has either made me realize that my IQ is about twenty-points below everybody else here, or has raised sharply with all of this new wisdom.
I had the pleasure of co-presenting with Christopher S. Penn (aka Chris Penn, aka Ninja) and, as far as I am concerned, he is the human equivalent of Google. There is so much marketing and Web insight in his mind (including five slides I got for our presentation today at 1:30 am) that it scares me. SCARES me_ in all caps.
More from Podcasters Across Borders will appear as audio in the next episode of Six Pixels Of Separation – The Twist Image Podcast.
Gotta go_ every moment not listening and sharing is a lost moment at PAB 2007.
Check out the links above. There’s some great new Podcasting content in there for you to check out.
Podcasters Across Borders – The Best Things In Life Are Free

It was entirely my pleasure to co-present with you, Mr. Joel. After all, which one of us has shared the stage with Tony Robbins and Bill Clinton? Not I…