Do you believe me? Do you have a Public Relations game plan? What about a Blog… got one of those?
The real question is, how do you speak to your customers and shareholders?
Do they get it? Do they believe in you?
Why should they?
I’ve been asking myself these questions lately. It’s certainly interesting to see the feedback and comments that a Blog generates. Most of the questions revolve around “what’s the point in having a Blog?” Well, if you’re asking, it’s because you’re reading. And, if you’re reading, what do you think other people are doing?
I spend a lot of my free time reading about all the things I love. The more “real” the PR and the Blogs – the more I love to read.
How much do people love what you do?
Words make money. It depends on how you use them, when you use them and why you use them. All too often people forget about the basics: I want to read more information before I make a decision. I want to be informed. I want to formulate my own opinion.
Are you helping your clients achieve their goals when they interface with your products and services?
Forget your features. Nobody cares. Features are gone. People want to know how what you offer will benefit them. Selling benefits is easy… if you’re listening to what your customers want instead of giving them what you think they need.
PR, Blogs And Opinions