1. There is some fantastic advice in here. I’m not sure that I like the idea of saying something to the extent of “Now I’m done talking about this, let’s move on to the next thing.”
    Jobs makes it look easy, but it often sounds stilted and inauthentic. I’m not sure why.

  2. Very insightful, tks!
    My advise here to other readers is to forget the extended , boring and repetitive lessons written in the books and published in magazines for a while.
    Do the best to focus your efforts in order to identify the true leaders in the world in your business area. Follow your heart to get there. One tip: Steve Jobs
    It’s a short way to learn most of the best lessons about life, innovation, strategy, administration, competition, synergy, presentation, etc. If you miss something in your learning process (because the leaders still human beans and may fail), also try to follow closer competitor guy. For sure, he or she is the best person interested to fulfill the weakness.
    “I’m not a robot, but now 90% human bean.”

  3. Très utile. Je pense que je vais utiliser quelques-uns de ces conseils pour ma prochaine présentation. Merci Steve… et merci Mitch 😉

  4. This looks like a prime parody opportunity.
    Present like Mitch Joel.
    Point 1: Shave your head.
    Point 2: Wear Black.
    Point 3: Be Giddy
    Point 4: etc, etc.
    There is definitely some good points here, but I laughed a bit, because the announcer talks about “being in presentation mode” and then promptly drops right into presentation mode himself.

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