Categories: Articles

Singapore Gets Six Pixels Of Separation

Six Pixels Of Separation is not just a funky name. It’s a reality. Not a day goes by that I don’t feel the power of online social networks and how the many channels of social media are connecting us in ways we could have never imagined possible.
That feeling of being connected. That feeling that we’re no longer degrees apart_ but mere pixels was validated – once again – this week.
The contracts are signed and I am heading to Singapore as a guest of Michael Netzley. Michael Blogs over at CommunicateAsia and Leadership Asia. He’s also a Practice Assistant Professor of Corporate Communication at the Singapore Management University (my hosts). As it stands, Michael is doing a full day session on Social Media for the University and local business people (I think he’s calling it PodCamp Singapore, but I could be mistaken). I’ll be delivering my keynote presentation, Six Pixels Of Separation – How Marketing Connects In A Connected World. We’ll also be holding a Geek Dinner. As it stands now, I think I am speaking on Monday, July 30th, 2007 and we’re looking to hold the Geek Dinner that same night somewhere in Singapore.
Michael put the word out that I will be in Singapore, and I was also asked to speak at the Institute Of Public Relations Singapore for their event: PR 2.0 – Engaging Stakeholders In The New Media Landscape. My presentation for this session (which is being held on Wednesday, August 1st, 2007) is called, Know Control Or No Control – How Social Media Is Shaping Communications.
Michael and I met through our respective Blogs and my Podcast, Six Pixels Of Separation – The Twist Image Podcast. Through comments and connecting on places like Twitter as well, we managed to build a friendship that will now culminate in a meeting on his home turf. The six pixels got even smaller when I was able to connect Michael with another communications Blogger based in Singapore, Benjamin Koe, who Blogs over at The eOK .Network (this is going back many months). I know that Benjamin and Michael have now connected, and my hopes are that we will all do some audio recording for Six Pixels Of Separation while I’m in country.
If you happen to live in Singapore, and are interested in attending the Geek Dinner, feel free to drop me a line (as always, the more the merrier). If you would like to attend any of the other events, feel free to follow the links above for registration or more information.
People ask me all of the time about the power of the Web and whether or not these online social networks are actually forcing us to not connect with real people. All I can say is that were it not for this Blog and my Podcast, I would not be on route to Singapore in a couple of week, and that’s about as real and sincere as it gets.

Mitch Joel

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