
Six Links Worthy of Your Attention #590

Is there one link, story, picture or thought that you saw online this week that you think somebody you know must see?

My friends: Alistair Croll (Solve for Interesting, Tilt the Windmill, Interesting Bits, HBS, chair of Strata, Startupfest, FWD50, and Scaletechconf; author of Lean Analytics and some other books), Hugh McGuire (Rebus Foundation, PressBooks, LibriVox) and I decided that every week the three of us are going to share one link for one another (for a total of six links) that each individual feels the other person “must see.”

Check out these six links that we’re recommending to one another: 

  • AI-Created Outfits – Technology @ Nordstrom – Medium. Nordstrom used an AI to create matching outfits, something it used to do through expert shoppers—part of the brand it built around personalized service for decades. Here’s how they did it, and most interestingly for data nerds like me, how they checked that the outfits worked.” (Alistair for Hugh).
  • Bronze Seeks Silver – The Agency Review. “I’m guessing you know many of the characters in this review of Bronze Seeks Silver, Mat Zucker‘s mid-life memoir about being a digital-first ad agency protagonist in a time when digital was seen as marginal and unnecessary. If you don’t, you’d probably love this book; if you do, this review will make you nod your head a lot and maybe even shed a nostalgic tear.” (Alistair for Mitch).
  • Neil Young – Don’t Be Denied – Live at Wembley 1974 – YouTube. “I’ve recently spent a lot of time listening to music – new and old – and went down a Neil Young rabbit hole last week. He’s sort of a background icon in my music pantheon: I’ve listened to an awful lot of Neil in my life, but have never been a student of his work. It’s been a real pleasure listening to the huge range and honesty in his work over the last little while, and here’s a song I don’t think I’ve ever heard before, which has become my (current) favorite Neil Young song.” (Hugh for Alistair).
  • Thom Yorke on Neil Young – Interview, raw footage – YouTube. “Sticking on the music theme, here’s Radiohead‘s Thom Yorke talking about Neil Young.” (Hugh for Mitch). 
  • Do We Really Need to Meet In Person? – The Atlantic. “I’ll answer this one: Yes. Not always. But, it’s more important than most people realize, while also being abused more often than people realize. I have a meeting (in person) that will require me to be away for three days (one day of travel there, one meeting for a few hours, and one day of travel home). Would it be better for me to join via Zoom? Depends. It depends on the meeting and the need. Why the rant? We’re too quick to think that one answer solves the question. But, here’s what I do know: The meetings that have resulted in new clients, big wins, and an ascent in my career have always been because of a meeting that took place in our protein forms. With that, I can see a world where business flights are shunned, as we focus in on fixing this climate crisis.” (Mitch for Alistair).
  • The rise of “third workplaces” – Axios. “I’ve always loved the idea of a ’third workplace’. I recognize the weirdness in that statement, because many are still working from home and haven’t seen their offices in a beat. With that, many people may have already discovered their ’third place’ because of the pandemic. I have a few ’third places’ for my work, and – trust me – they are all very inspiring and result in a better and happier me.” (Mitch for Hugh).

Feel free to share these links and add your picks on TwitterFacebook, in the comments below or wherever you play.

Are you interested in what’s next? How to decode the future? I publish between 2-3 times per week and then the Six Pixels of Separation Podcast comes out every Sunday. Feel free to subscribe (and tell your friends): 

Mitch Joel

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