Check out these six links that we’re recommending to one another:
How A Burning Man Camp Project Became A Multimillion-Dollar Business – Fast Company. “I’ve stayed in a Hexayurt at Burning Man, and they’re fragile but brilliant: A shelter that keeps out dust, heat and cold made from 12 sheets of reflective foam insulation and some tape. But they’re hard to put up and take down. A couple of years later, these tents started popping up; now, you can deploy an entire emergency village, with a central command, from a shipping container.” (Alistair for Hugh).
What it really means to ‘seize the day’ – BBC Culture. “Popularized by the Dead Poets Society, the phrase has interesting origins. Given that I’m headed to Burning Man — either the world’s biggest Carpe Diem, or Emergency Housing for Rich People, depending on your point of view — I figured this was appropriate.” (Alistair for Mitch).
The Purpose of Life is to Be a Nobody – Zat Rana – Medium. “After all of these years, I still get jitters and anxiety when I have a presentation. It’s just the way that I am wired, I guess… or, I have to deal more directly with issues of self-esteem and stage fright (maybe?). Still, I was waiting to take the stage the other day in Colorado, and came across this post. Everything about my physical and psychological chemistry changed after reading this. Seriously. Who am I to think that I matter?… and that’s a good/real thing. So, here’s to the nobodys out there like you and me!” (Mitch for Alistair).
Did This Book Buy Its Way Onto The New York Times Bestseller List? – Pajiba. “People who write books really need their creations to hit the bestseller lists. It matters. It’s credibility. It’s social proofing. It sells more books. It can even score you a major movie or TV deal. Over the years, there have been countless services and ways to ‘game’ the system. Like any loopholes, the publishers and retailers have worked diligently to keep adapting to those who are trying to work outside of the system. Still, some things get through. Like this incredible story. The other side of this story is: journalism. We’re inundated with problems in the world of journalism (fake news much?). Take a read and spend some time reflecting on what this world might look like if this journalist didn’t have the budget or resources to scratch, dig and uncover a story as fascinating as this one.” (Mitch for Hugh).
Feel free to share these links and add your picks on Twitter, Facebook, in the comments below or wherever you play.