I got an email from the good people at The Power Within – which is the leadership and motivational event company that has allowed me to share the stage as a speaker with people like Bill Clinton, Anthony Robbins, Dr. Phil, Mark Burnett and many more. I had no idea that they recorded the full-day event of Teachers Of The Secret Live (which took place in Toronto last weekend – I attended the Saturday event) and have released it on DVD.
They are selling it for $99 – which is pretty cheap considering that it is over six hours long and features the full speaking presentations of Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, Lisa Nichols, John Assaraf and T. Harv Eker.
It was a fun day, and the reason I think it’s valuable to post this information here (and why you should check out the DVD set) is because the content is relevant to Marketers on two levels.
One, the movie The Secret is all about the law of attraction. Quite simply: what you focus on is what you become. Take a look at the major brands and marketers that are succeeding today. The ones that are focusing on community and away from the margin sucking maggots are the ones making the in-roads. The ones still focused on margins and beating competitors in a turf war are getting exactly that. Marketing is still all about focus. Those that are clear about their focus, path and desires are the ones reaping huge rewards – on many levels. The day had many insights that are truly relevant to Marketers – from message creation to a future vision for you (or your brands) to how to maintain the level of energy and passion. While the speakers focused on you, as an individual, all of the lessons were easily transferable to products and services.
Two, if you find the content does not relate to what you’re focusing on, I still think that the day featured some of the better speakers out on the circuit. A Marketer is only as compelling as their ability to communicate their message. If you are looking to improve your communication and presentation skills, just watching these individuals work the stage, their content and their message is worth the money alone.
My key take-home from Teachers Of The Secret was the countless speaking and presentation tips and tricks I was able to pick up watching the event.
You can learn more about (or order it) here: Teachers Of The Secret Recorded Live In Toronto.
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