The Art Of Marketing Is Coming To Chicago

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The Art of Marketing is coming to Chicago on April 24th, 2012.

I’m very excited to announce that The Art of Marketing full-day leadership summit is happening in Chicago on April 24th, 2012 at The Chicago Theater. As you can see by the agenda, the line-up is out of this world. I have the honor of sharing the stage with Seth Godin (Purple Cow, Linchpin, Poke The Box, etc…), Gary Vaynerchuk (Crush It and The Thank You Economy), Keith Ferrazzi (Never Eat Alone and Who’s Got Your Back), Avinash Kaushik (Web Analytics – An Hour A Day and Web Analytics 2.0) and Facebook‘s former head of Marketing, Randi Zuckerberg (I believe you know her brother ;). Like I said, this is a marketing line-up and a full-day of learning like no other.

You can buy a ticket or you can win a ticket.

If you would like a chance to win one of four pairs of VIP tickets to The Art of Marketing in Chicago (which means four winners – each winner gets two tickets), all you have to do is leave a comment below about the marketing book that changed your life (and why) or the one marketing book that you can’t wait to read (and why). The deadline for entries will be April 13th, 2012 at 12 pm ET and the winners will be announced by 5 pm on that same day. If you win, you have to cover everything else (travel, accommodations, etc… are not included… it’s just the tickets). A VIP ticket gives you:

  • Express VIP entrance.
  • Reserved premier seating in the first five rows
  • Exclusive VIP three course Lunch.
  • An eco-friendly tote bag and personal spiral bound notebook.
  • Copies of featured bestselling business books:    
    • Poke The Box by Seth Godin.
    • The Thank You Economy by Gary Vaynerchuk.
    • Signed copy of my first book, Six Pixels of Separation.

If you don’t want to risk it, buy your tickets now (with this special promo code)…

These events always sell-out (and this one is expected to have almost two thousand attendees!), so if you don’t want to risk the contest, the kind folks at The Art of Marketing have a special offer for the Six Pixels of Separation community:

  • Six Pixels promo: Use the promo code: TWIST. This will give you a savings of $50.00 per ticket or $100 per ticket when registering three or more people at the same time. If you prefer, you can also register by phone: 1 (866) 992-7863 (just be sure to mention your promo code).

I hope to see you there.

I spend the entire day at these events hanging out, meeting people but more importantly, listening and learning from the other speakers. Next to the TED conference, these are the events that I attend to learn, grow and expand my marketing horizons. I not only hope to see you there (and please come over to say "hi" if you do), but I hope that you take this opportunity to learn and grow right along with me.

I’ll see you at The Art of Marketing in Chicago!


  • Jonathan Barrick
  • Karen Kolberg
  • Katie Felten
  • Anthony Moore


  1. Looks like I’ll see you twice that week (SoSlam). Looking forward to the Art of Marketing Conference. I know of quite a few marketers who are set to attend.

  2. Yesss, I’d love to win! The marketing book that changed my life would probably have to be Launch by Michael Stelzner. The reason it changed my life is that it gave me a whole new perspective to my blogging and social media marketing efforts. Using the info I gathered from Launch, I went from 10-15 social media leads per week to 50-60 leads per week, generating over $200,000 in revenue solely from my social media activity. And our company blog is steadily climbing in traffic, shares and views.
    Of course, each person has their own way of applying and integrating what they learn, I just took what Michael wrote and implemented it in a way our company (PostcardMania) would most benefit. And it’s working!

  3. This is fantastic! Art of Marketing events are always epic, and this one appears to promise the same!
    The marketing book that I would say really ‘changed my life’ would be a book called Gonzo Marketing by Christopher Locke. I read this when it was published back in 2001, when I had just begun my 2nd year of college. Years before Facebook Twitter, or LinkedIn existed, Locke portrayed a world where businesses weren’t successful because of the millions of dollars they threw at TV ads, but because of the efforts they took to connect with their customers and build a mutually beneficial community. This book predicted the realities of today’s business climate at a time when everyone else viewed the web as one big electronic brochure.
    Reading Gonzo Marketing over a decade ago opened my eyes to a better way for marketers. One where we could utilize the actual excellence contained within a business and build relationships with customers around their real experiences, instead of relying on crutches made from vague advertising promises and shiny packaging.

  4. The trans-formative marketing book for me was Positioning by Al Ries and Jack Trout. I got into marketing through music as I tried my hand at building a career as a rapper. It took me some time to realize I need to take a particular approach to marketing myself. Through recommendation of a friend, I read Positioning and quickly saw the light. If I wanted to be a stand-out prospect, I had to position myself to do so. It then led to me taking a deeper dive into branding and the delicate nature of it. Now I make sure all my clients can tell me about their desired identity and marrying it with their “reality.” My work stays fulfilling because Positioning.

  5. Most profound impact:
    Linchpin by Seth Godin has had the most profound impact on how I see marketing because Linchpin is about how to market yourself. It is the foundation on which I build my business, the value I can add to the world and my responsibility to do work that matters.
    Most excited to read:
    This is gonna sound like a total kiss-ass thing to say but Mitch I’m very excited about your next book. I feel like I learn as much about writing well as I do marketing well when i read your content a full book vs. a blog post from you is something that really excites me.

  6. Lovemarks by S&S’s Kevin Roberts changed my life. To have an ad guy declare the best way to have a successful product is to make your customers love it- what a novel idea.
    Genuine affection for brands has only gotten more transparent and relevant since I read the book in 2004. Not only are the ideas in it well laid out, the book itself is beautiful and is a brilliant example of building design and inspiration into what you are offering.
    Mitch, hope to see you on the 24th 🙂

  7. Return on Influence by Mark Schafer is the marketing book that is changing my life. I just downloaded it on my kindle and have learned more about marketing, public relations, and social media in the first half of the book than they taught me in college.
    Influence is the new currency online and off and this book helped make me realise that. It is also showing me how to creat influence, which is essential in todays world. I can’t wait to finish the book.
    Once I am done I plan to write a review on it and to reccomend it to others. It has shifted the way I think and will shift the way I work.

  8. The book I kept on my marketing desk back in the ’90s, and still have with me now is: The GUERRILLA MARKETING HANDBOOK by Jay Levinson & Seth Godin.

  9. The marketing book that changed my life is Now is the Time to Crush It by Gary Vaynarchuk b/c it gave me the motivation and excitement to launch my own blog/twitter account, and turn myself from a radio sales rep into MarketingMikeR, a sports marketing radio specialist!
    The next one on my list I look forward to reading is Write A F$%%ing Book Already by Jim Kukral because that is my next goal on my list. To write my first book.
    I would love to win this contest and regardless I love your blog so thanks for always sharing!

  10. Hi Mitch:
    If I had to narrow down my favorite marketing book, it would be Tom Peters’ “The Brand You:50” book. It’s a small book and shares “fifty ways to transform yourself from an employee into a brand that shouts distinction, commitment and passion!” There have been many books and things written about thinking of ourselves as a brand, but Peters’ book is prophetic and empowering and changed my thinking. It really is a book that helps us to better market ourselves.
    So many good marketing books out there, though.

  11. Hi Mitch,
    The two books that had an important influence on me:
    The first book might seem like a big stretch from the word “Marketing” to some, but I consider Robin Sharma’s The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari a must read for everyone, especially marketers.
    In his book, Robin Sharma talks about not only the importance of knowing yourself and being authentic, but also having a purpose and being passionate about life and work. We are always working hard to promote our businesses, but unless we become authentic and passionate about what we do, we will not be able to successfully communicate our message and make an impact on the society.
    Quote: “Find out what you truly love to do and then direct all your energy towards doing it. Once you do this, abundance flows into your life and all your desires are filled with ease and grace”
    The second book is Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi.
    I’ve always known that networking was key to success, but through Keith Ferrazzi’s book I understood that the value of your network is not related to the number of people in it, but to the level of engagement you have with those people. You cannot make a difference in this world by being alone, and all the knowledge you accumulate in life is not worth all that much if you cannot share it with others and help them achieve their dreams. It is critical to growth your circle of contacts outside of your typical comfort zone and to selflessly try to help others become successful in their ventures.
    Quote: “How does my content help others answer who they are, where they are from, and where they are going?”
    Have a good day,
    Mykola Dumenko

  12. So far the one marketing book that has had the greatest impact on me and my businesses is “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek. It truly changed the way that my business communicates and the thought process that goes in to designing everything from employment ads to sales pieces.

  13. I absolutely loved Made to Stick by the Heaths. My degrees are in English and Education, and I work in sales and marketing, so having a book co-authored by a marketer and a teacher really appealed to me! I firmly believe that education is communication, as is marketing. This book is a must read!

  14. The book that changed my life was “Kellogg on Branding” (Kellogg School of Management) because it forced me to look at myself akin to a P&G product at a time when I had returned from Europe and faced a difficult time selling my international background to Canadian employers. Each chapter provides perceptive examples on branding building tactics (psychology of perception, building and extending from the core, etc) that are so easily applicable to my own brand. One just had to substitute their own name for every product discussed in the book to capture Kellogg’s powerful lessons. Kellogg on Branding is exception and an important book for professionals, university & high school students to understand how to position themselves in a saturated market (category). – a must read.

  15. Well many great books have been mentioned thus far – I loved Linchpin, Made to Stick, Start with Why and Return on Investment. All excellent books and certainly have had a great deal in developing me as a young’ish marketer.
    For me, there would be two books that have played a great roll in my personal development:
    The Cluetrain Manifesto {written by Rick Levine, Christopher Locke, Doc Searls and, David Weinberger} certainly started me down the path of “thinking differently” about marketing, and how the world was going to be shaped differently in the years ahead.
    However, as good as that book was/is, FREE by Chris Anderson. This was the book that made me change my thinking on both a marketing level and an economics level. Using great examples like Google, and FarmVille, Chris did an excellent job explaining why the economy of free is so critical in our “digitized” world, and how it will become even more important as we continue to shift further away from “atoms” to “bits.”
    Not only did it help me understand the principles of free better, but I took some of those key concepts – such as “offer something of high value for free, so it spreads to the masses, and then leverage it for your paid stuff” and applied it to my business.
    Have an excellent time in Chicago, and what an awesome, awesome lineup.

  16. I don’t text. I don’t tweet. I don’t chat. I don’t Skype. I don’t flog (re: blogs that are verbal flagellation). I “P.S.” using an actual physical, fold the paper into thirds and lick the envelope, kind of letter. I’m old school. Or maybe I should say, I’m old. There’s nothing inherently wrong about being old and unconnected and socially unsavvy, unless you work in a nonprofit company where it is imperative to connect with others about your mission. Then those attitudes are unhelpful. That’s why I requested that our library buy the “UnMarketing” book by Scott Stratten, a MasterTweeter. The blurb in your blog, recommending the book moved me to take action (now who was it that said blogs are banal?)
    The UnMarketing book changed my life. Well, maybe not my whole life, but certainly the hole in it. It may have even saved my job. Being old doesn’t necessarily mean being slow to change. Scott puts forth his argument brilliantly, with a very large dose of humor (hey Scott, I need to tweet you about those 147 footnotes that made my neck sore from moving it every time I wanted a dose of your wit). By the way, I now know that that comment could have made it through as a tweet….sweeeet.
    Now admittedly, I am not going to run out today and buy a Blackberrry or a Blueberry or any kind of phone that allows the government to know I am in the bathroom, but I will start asking my friends who were early adopters to show me the ropes (rather than being shown to the door). Technology is outpacing me. However, I still have a speedy brain, despite having butter fingers. What I needed was a big, hearty dose of reality peppered with humor to help me realize that I might be old in age, but I am NOT uncool (is the word cool, cold?) Anyway, I learned that connection is the key, technology is the way and tweeting is here to stay.
    And boy, do I need to attend the conference and take a few of my colleagues with me. You think I am slow? They are nearly comatose.

  17. The book I look forward to reading is Avinash’s Web Analytics 2.0. We all can look at a few basic traffic numbers in Google Analytics, but how can we sift through the data and focus on our business objectives? I’ve heard Avinash’s book is the bedrock of an analytics mindset.

  18. Hi Mitch,
    Thanks for the opportunity. After graduating with a Finance degree in 2009, I began working for a start-up company in San Diego. Doing what, you ask? Social media, email marketing and public relations! Funny how that happens, isn’t it? Anyways, feeling like a fish out of water, I picked up a copy of David Meerman Scott’s “The New Rules of Marketing and PR” and it truly ignited my passion for new media and connecting with customers online. After reading the book, with my creative juices flowing, I got to work. Our team was able to grow our Facebook community to over 25K from a measly 500! Our email marketing revenue increased by over 200%. How can you not get excited about this stuff!? I now live and work in Chicago, as the Director of Communications for a higher education marketing company. I would love the opportunity to attend this conference.
    Lauren Licata

  19. Step aside Lollapallooza, this just topped my list of places to be.
    The marketing book that changed my life is Duct Tape Marketing by John Jantsch. It was given to me by a stranger (who I ended up working with after I read the book) in a red lobster just over a year ago, and is the first time I read those three magic words: Know, Like, and Trust. DTM changed the way I think about and implement marketing strategy. Seriously, this book still travels with me and is watching me type this comment.
    The real reason I credit DTM however is because it lead me to Seth Godin. I’ve spent countless hours at the public library peering through his books and watching him on YouTube. It’s a domino effect (Godin pun?) from Jantsch to many other impactful books. I really hope to be at The Art of Marketing!
    P.S. Thanks everyone for the awesome reading suggestions… the domino effect continues.

  20. When I saw the Art of Marketing was coming to Chicago, I said to myself “I have to be here” and then I saw you were giving away tickets and I thought even better… and being a voracious reader since I learned to read at 5 I have had several books that I feel have changed the course of my life. I believe that you pick the books you are ready for and I remember getting Crush It in the mail, it was a Friday afternoon and I opened to start reading that night and I remember bawling after just a couple of pages because I felt it was speaking directly to me. I think I read the whole book that night, highlighting and making notes of things to do. There have been several others over the years as well but that one stands out in the marketing catagory.
    I really look forward to being at the Art of Marketing and getting to meet you, I have been following you, your, blog and especially media hacks for several years and it would be an honor to meet you in person.

  21. Hey Mitch,
    Marketing book that changed my life:
    Brand: It Ain’t the Logo (It’s what people think of you) by Ted Matthews.
    After becoming slightly disheartened about the marketing world coming out of University, this book provided a perspective on Brand that I had been waiting to hear, and it has helped me carve a career path that is meaningful for me. His view on Brand is that it’s not the logo, it’s everything – starting with your culture. And the only way to have a strong Brand is for everyone to understand how they play a role in it, and to understand why the Brand is important in human terms.
    I have been honoured enough to work with Ted over the past few months. He is an incredible teacher, and really does write about a world-changing view of Brand.

  22. Mitch,
    The marketing book that changed my life was actually Keith Ferrazzi’s “Never Eat Alone”. I’ve read it a few times now and everytime I read it I pick something different out of it that can change my business and how I run it. I think it changed my life because I was doing a lot of “marketing” of my business and myself, but I wasn’t doing it in the right way. I was “networking” by obtaining business cards and expecting that person to remember me from the 50 other people they met that night without saying anything more than my name and occupation.
    The book changed the way I network, the way I market and has since distinguished me into a well rounded individual that is known throughout the city I live in (Calgary) and taught me that obtaining new business is about more than just marketing, its about building a meaningful, trusting relationship that goes 2 ways.

  23. Thanks for the opportunity Mitch!
    Marketing book that changed my life – Seth Godin’s Linchpin. The idea of thinking of being part of a guild or larger community has driven me to really think about what I do in the context of my community; my engagement with my peers extends beyond my city and country to the world – and I can both learn from them as well as add to their learning through my interactions online and offline.

  24. The marketing book that changed my life was All Marketers Are Liars by Seth Godin, because, while I’d read quite a bit about the power of narrative in marketing, about crafting a story people want to believe, Seth’s way with words and ability to demonstrate this pervasive truth of human psychology clicked uniquely with where I was at the time. Nobody cuts through to the simplest, most direct and powerful manner of implanting a concept like Seth does.

  25. It was a long time ago and it was Raving Fans: A Revolutionary Approach To Customer Service by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles. Not only did it focus on the importance of customer centricity to the bottom line, it taught me a lesson it marketing delegation, why do it all yourself when you can create incredible experiences for customers and then have them do your marketing for you? A great read and a game changer for me early enough in my career to make a difference!

  26. I am certainly not a marketing pro. I’m focused on working as a small biz owner starting out in a highly competitive field in a down economy. After reading Seth Godin’s “The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick)” I accepted the reality of an ongoing learning and success curve in connecting, advertising, and finding the message—as a business person, within my field, getting to the place where word of mouth generates steady business. It changed my perspective on networking, and definitely on producing online content that inspires and connects to people w/their own dreams, not just my need for business. “Purple Cow” by Seth Godin and “Crush It!” by Gary V. inspire me for sure. But “The Dip” kick-started it.

  27. With my new team at work, we started a book club, and the first book we chose to read was Linchpin. While we all previously recognized our own and each other’s unique skills and value that we brought to the team, the book allowed us to define the art we were creating, but also identify where we were not providing indispensable output in our roles. Though we work amongst some of the brightest in our industry, and considered ourselves to be pivotal to the organization, this book provided a different perspective of how we need to make ourselves stand out and become indispensable by creating art as gifts – a practice that is unfortunately not prevalent in most of corporate America.

  28. “You’ve got to be believed to be heard”, by Bert Decker. This book introduced me to the concept of “first brain” and changed everything. At the time, there was no other book like this one out there. They concepts hold up today even more than when it was first published 20 years ago.

  29. The marketing book that continues to change my life is The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. Technically it isn’t a marketing book at all; it’s a how to get-off-your-butt book, helping you do that while explaining the reason (resistance) that it’s so hard to do sometimes. It continues to help me do my own marketing. All the great advice in the world (contained in the books listed in the comments) isn’t helpful if you can’t get yourself to execute because you’re caught in the clutches of dastardly resistance.

  30. I think the book that had the biggest impact on my marketing was Bob Bly’s “Copywriters Handbook” which I read quite a few years ago. It really made me change the way I tried to express ideas.

  31. The book that changed my life was called “Get Smarter” by Seymour Schulich. In this book Mr. Schulich, a Canadian self-made billionaire, explains that everything he learned about business and life, was from reading non-fictional books.
    I have never been a reader growing up, but after finishing Get Smarter, reading is all I want to do. Since that book I have gone on to read dozens and dozens of books, all relative to marketing. And because of this the amount of knowledge I have gained indispensable.
    The next book that I am going to read is called “The 48 Laws of Power” by Robert Greene. I have had the book suggested to me by a few business professionals now so this one is next on deck!
    This really put a spark in brain and from that point on I have gone to read dozens and dozens of marketing books.

  32. The marketing book that changed my life is probably UnMarketing — hilarious take on some really important ideas. Next on my marketing reading list is “Creative Thinkering”…and then some of the titles recommended by my fellow comment-ers! 🙂

  33. It’s impossible to choose a favorite just among the books written by the speakers. The beauty of great marketing writing (both blogs and books) is that it is constantly revealing new dimensions on how we understand human interaction with ideas. Since I’d really love to win the ticket, I will play by the rules and pick my most recent favorite as Gary Vaynerchuk’s The Thank You Economy. In it, he nails the connection between traditional sales, service and marketing and how those can be scaled in social marketing. Vaynerchuck understands marketing as a relationship not a transaction. He is a compelling voice for a new age of relational marketing and I would love, love, love to hear him talk in real time alongside so many other inspiring, motivating and influencing voices.

  34. Inbound Marketing is the marketing book that changed my life [an oldie but a goodie]. In a simple, easy to understand format, this book was the first thing to open my eyes to how much everything in the world of marketing has changed.

  35. The one marketing book that had the most profound affect on me Steve Jobs by William Isaacson. Despite his personal struggles and personality conflicts, Steve Jobs was a role model for all marketers. His visions of simplicity and design coupled with his detail oriented direction for every commercial and billboard propelled Apple to the fore front of technology. Reading the chapter on the 1984 campaign of the Macintosh gave me goosebumps and inspired me to ‘Think Differently’ in all my marketing initiatives.

  36. Thanks for this opportunity Mitch. I enjoyed your talk and your Scooter Braun interview at Toronto’s ‘The Art of Marketing’ event. The Marketing book that changed my life is “Madison & Vine” by Scott Donaton, which stemmed from a weekly Advertising Age eletter and annual conference. Reading this book, while working as a Product Placement agent, opened my eyes to exciting possibilities and opportunities in the convergence of Entertainment and Advertising properties, and its references still inspire my work.

  37. I would to have to say the marketing book that opened my eyes to the fun entailed with a career in marketing was The 22 immutable laws of marketing ( cliche i know 🙂
    Right now I am looking forward to going over Zig Ziglars ” The Secrets of Closing a Sale”.

  38. The marketing book that changed my life is Seth Godin’s Free Prize Inside: How To Make A Purple Cow. I love this book for Godin’s practical and plain-spoken approach to how to generate the “big idea” and how to sell it to your own company’s stakeholders, and then to others. Thanks!

  39. Gary Vaynerchuk’s “Crush It” was an eye opening book. It was the first book that didn’t talk about marketing in a theoretical way, but in a practical way. He shows how he did it and how I can do it too. I love how he talks about finding out what’s in your DNA and doing what feels right to you and using your talents to their potential. You need to be true to who you are because people are drawn to people who are authentic.
    I just completed an MBA in Marketing, so I’m looking forward to having the time now to implement a lot of what he’s talking about over the course of the year, and having time to read some other great books too. This conference is going to be fantastic.

  40. Marketing book I first read/loved was “Ogilvy on Advertising” back in the 80’s as that helped mould my early copywriting mind and expanded my thoughts beyond how to sell objects, but rather appeal to to the intended audience. The one I’d really like to read is your next one, but as you explained in a recent video web interview, although formulated, that hasn’t been written. Yet.

  41. Changed my life:
    This is a bit odd but there’s a book by Cameron Johnson called “You Call the Shots”. When he was a kid, Cameron started his own businesses selling beanie babies and whatnot and he kept going from there. His story made me realize that drive and passion are necessary for marketing to be successful, and if a kid can do it…
    Can’t wait to read:
    New Rules of Marketing and PR by David Meerman Scott because I’m currently reading Content Rules that he wrote the foreword to and he seemed to know what he was talking about there!

  42. Principles of Marketing by Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong was my first marketing text book. After reading the 1st chapter, I decided to add Marketing as a 2nd concentration/major.

  43. At the risk of sounding like I’m sucking up, I would say the book that changed my professional life was 6 Pixels of Seperation. I was a few years into trying to transform myself and my agency into understanding this social/digital marketing thing and I saw you speak at Brand Camp Detroit, where I got a copy of your book. Of everything I’d read, it helped me make the most sense of where all this was going in a non-dumbed down way. It was the start of our transformation here. So, thank you for that.
    However, I did just finish Never Eat Alone, and I think it has the potential to change me and my agency even greater.

  44. I am definitely late to the party on this book, but the one I am really looking forward to reading is Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk. His perspective on marketing is so refreshing and re-energizing.

  45. I just finished Seth Godin’s “Linchpin” but I’m already thinking it will change my life. It has certainly changed my feelings about a family situation which was troubling me. My 19-year-old daughter just announced plans for a year-long adventure that involves a hiatus from college and quitting her job at the bagel shop. She wants to spend her summer working on an organic vegetable farm and selling the produce at farmers markets for the “good karma.” then she and her boyfriend want to go backpacking in New Zealand to experience another culture and grandeur galore. Obviously, I’d feel more comfortable if she followed the traditional path — the one I took — of four years of college right after high school then a career. “Linchpin” helped me see strength in my daughter’s choice. She is vivacious and independent and caring and like no one else. She is an opinion leader in her peer group. She is developing the skills the world needs now. Reaching out to the world in this way will make her more educated in the ways that count most. Thanks, Linchpin!

  46. Hey, Mitch. Didn’t you close the contest earlier than you said you would? Consider my touching personal story and YOU could win a chance to meet Sierra! Kym

  47. Hi Mitch,
    Not sure if you are keeping the entries open until noon today as in your original post, but if you are here is another one.
    I have to go way back for the most influential marketing book that I have read, In Search of Excellence by Tom Peters. I read it after seeing a presentation of his on PBS back when I was in high school. I still have my original copy and, in my opinion, the book still holds-up.
    Looking forward to meeting you in person.

  48. Since, I am still relatively early in my career, I read a number of marketing books trying to fill my head with as much knowledge as possible. It’s hard to narrow down the one that changed my life the most. But if I was forced to choose, I would have to say Malcolm Gladwell’s “The Tipping Point.” Although the isn’t really a traditional marketing book, it opened my eyes to the importance of understanding how my customers think and feel when I am marketing mobile apps. I’m always trying to find that tipping point.
    Thanks for the opportunity.

  49. The collaborative “End Malaria – Bold Innovation, Limitless Generosity, and the Opportunity to Save a Life” peice profoundly changed the way I think and act. The content itself was extremely valuable to me, but there’s so much more to this. Nearly everyone is aware of the epidemic taking place in Africa, people want to help, but something keeps them from taking that meaningful step towards contribution. This project finally gave individuals the opportunity. Gary Vaynerchuk’s peice offers a quote I will forever keep, “…corporations need to recognize that their bottom lines are going to be completely connected to their hearts, not their brains”. I’ve known for some time now that new media gives individuals and businesses the platform to tell a compelling story, but for the first time I truly understood what that meant. The Domino Project compelled me to buy this book, learn more about the Malaria epidemic in Africa, and become a better person through supporting a cause and gaining insights to a few great minds in our industry. I’m forever inspired to act on my socially responsible urges, and one day tell a story that moves people in a way this peice moved me.

  50. Hi Mitch,
    My most recent favorite Marketing book is Enchantment by Guy Kawasaki. Guy does a great job by simplifying key principles that marketers need to focus on in this ever changing world for either a company or personal brand – Achieve likeability, trustworthiness and Provide value and a quality product/service. He also follows his own principles by graciously sending me a signed book jacket. Looking forward to the summit.

  51. Hey Mitch,
    The book that had the biggest impact is Poke the Box. The idea of always starting something new is spot on. Standing still is bad news for businesses and I’ve seen it in action way to many times. The best people start things, rolls with punches and makes it work no matter what. I started implementing this is my professional and personal life and it’s been great!

  52. And the winners are:
    – Jonathan Barrick
    – Katie Felten
    – Karen Kolberg
    – Anthony Moore
    I have sent you all emails with the details. I look forward to seeing you all there!

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