iPhone apps all all the rage, but which are the best iPhone apps for the New Media Professional?
Here is a fairly comprehensive list of great iPhone apps (broken down into categories and then alphabetized). Please note that all of these apps are free (unless marked otherwise). I also asked my Twitter community which apps they use, and it came back with the "usual suspects" (with some discrepancies when it comes to Twitter on the iPhone).
News & Information:
- All Things Digital. The Wall Street Journal’s Digital Network.
- Huffington Post.
- InstaPaper. Save web pages and documents online and read them via InstaPaper.
- The New York Times.
- TED. Inspiring talks and great gymnastics for your brain when the music runs dry.
- Wikipedia.
- Yelp! Great recommendations for social activities (hotels, restaurants, bars and more). Try out the "Monocle" option (awesome augmented reality).
Online Social Networking:
- Facebook. ‘Nuff said.
- Foursqaure.
- FriendFeed.
- LinkedIn.
- Tweetie. ($2.99) Great little Twitter app. TweetDeck for the iPhone is also very impressive. Other recommended Simplytweet, Twitterlater Pro, Hootsuite, and a few others.
- AroundMe. This app helps you find banks, bars, gas stations and more that are in your vicinity.
- Battery Master. The Achilles heel of the iPhone is the battery (simply not enough juice). This app gives you a pretty good idea of how much time you have left.
- Dropbox. Organize and grab files that can be transferred from your hard drive to the cloud and then to your iPhone.
- Evernote. For all of your note-taking needs.
- Google. Get access to your Gmail, Calendar, Google Docs, and more. But, more importantly, you now have Google Reader (all of your RSS feeds) at your fingertips and synced with to your desktop version.
- Quickmark. Uses the camera to grab bar codes and then provides full information on the product.
- Skype. Can’t go wrong with Skype on your iPhone.
- Stanza. Great little e-reader for the iPhone.
- Weather Eye. Courtesy of the people at the Weather Network. If you travel a lot, this app will let you know everything you need to know about the conditions.
What’s missing? What would you add to this list?
My favorite is the BC Reader (business card reader). You take a picture of the business card, it scans it and then adds it to your contacts.
Great list! I find SketchBook to be a great app for any creative individual – it sure beats a napkin at the bar when you are trying to explain an idea. I also use AnalyticsLite, which connects to my Google Analytics account.
My favourite productivity app at the moment is Awesome Note. After using a multitude of lists, notes and to-do apps this one has risen to the top of the pile for me. Integration with Evernote, Google Docs and rotation lock are some of its standout features.
For Google Analytics: Analyze This!
If you have set goals and/or run campaigns.
I’d say Bump for sharing contact info, WordPress for updating your blog, and Toodledo for keeping track of tasks are pretty necessary. Toodledo is by far the best to do list app I’ve used because it’s got a great online counterpart. The Kindle app is nice as well, especially if you don’t have an actual Kindle.
WordPress – whilst not exactly fully featured, is good enough for quick posts or edits to your blog on the go.
WhatsApp – 99c – SMS-like chat client with push notifications – your friends need to have an iPhone and WhatsApp (they’ve got a Blackberry client in beta). Good if you’re on a plan that doesn’t include a lot of SMS credits, or for messaging internationally. http://www.whatsapp.com/
MochaVNC Lite – VNC in to your Mac or PC at home from your iPhone.
Currency – most useful for international types
Convert ~ the unit calculator – gorgeous interface to a well-featured unit conversion tool
I have a few more favourites but the ones above are the most universally useful.
Great list. Thanks!
Great list suggestion!
Also check out App Popular. Share apps and lists of apps easily on your iPhone or iPod Touch via email, Facebook and Twitter…and so much more!
My personal favorites (that weren’t mentioned) include Remember The Milk, Jott, Kindle, and BeejiveIM (because IM is still cheaper than SMS)
Another app I recommend is ScanBizCards (for the 3GS only) – scan a business card in seconds and adds to the address book, but also several other functions such as: connect on LinkedIn without leaving the app, send contact info to a colleague in 3 formats (text, image, VCF) or just treat the card image as an “active canvas” you can touch to dial/email/browse the relevant actionable items on the card.
Disclosure: I am the developer of that app … so don’t take my word for it, start with the Lite (free) version for a test drive. And do email me with any defective aspect – if I can fix it, assume it will make it into the app within 3 weeks … more info on http://www.scanbizcards.com
Things for Mac has a great iPhone app. Things is a fantastic tool for those of use who do the Getting Things Done method and happen to run Macs. I’m able to synch my Inbox, Next Steps, and Today to-dos between my Mac and my iPhone. To be honest, this app is one of the reasons I got the iPhone in the first place.
I would add Flickup, which allows me to simultaneously Tweet and post photos to my Flickr page. Then, I’d suggest NPR’s app. It is awesome and state of the art. Every radio news organization should follow their lead. Finally, I use the WordPress app so I can post at my blog on the go.
If you’re interested in the business/productivity area, we recently launched an app w/Stephen Covey focused on career building and job execution. It’s called Great Career and complements a new Covey book, “Great Work, Great Career.” Lots if exercises and rich Franklin Covey content.
Links! Links!
hey check out this app called NewsHunt…It makes available range of Indian regional newspapers on iphone in quite a user friendly way….its damn good!! Now I can keep myself updated with whats happening in my hometown whichever corner of the world i m in!
You’re a big boy Tod, you can do a quick search on your iPhone in the app store to get them
Happy Holidays!
Great overview!
I’d like to add http://www.nimbuzz.com, free app for all chat applications (Messenger, Yahoo, Talk, Facebook etc etc). World class quality, multi prize winner!
And for any Mint.com users (the best site for managing personal finances), Mint has a great iPhone app.
BeejiveIM (instant messaging)
Prodictivity app such as the Dropbox is really that amazing though it can also have few drawbacks for me – it does backup as well as sync though photo and file management not integrated. Yet all in all, it’s still a good application when using only one folder.
I own a iPhone 3G and I love the below apps:
– Camera Plus (brighten pics, zoom)
– Cycorder (Great video recording app)
– PicPosterous (upload photos straight to my posterous A/c)
– Twittelator (fantastic Twitter app, everything under the sun)
– Motherfeed (FriendFeed app)
– Fan LIV (if you are a Liverpool fan)
Cheers (@asifmumtazkhan)
Awesome Note gets a seconded from me.
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There are those who do manage to keep a regular job while satisfying scratch off urges on the side.