As social media evolves, it’s normal that the channels and platforms evolve, too. Some continue to grow in popularity, while others dwindle.
One thing is for certain: The Internet is not a fad. This new media is not going away. And, as it continues to grow in popularity, it’s important to also accept that social media is not a fad. Yes, some of the platforms have becomes less popular (Friendster, MySpace and Second Life), but then again, maybe they have returned to a more realistic state of stability. Maybe these platforms were never meant to compete with the raw numbers of television viewership. Perhaps not every platform and channel should be benchmarked against Facebook and its 500 million-plus users. Maybe MySpace is doing right now what it does best: serving entertainment professionals and wannabes with a place to connect.
What about the future of blogs and blogging?
Last week, eMarketer released a new report titled, The Blogosphere – Colliding With Social And Mainstream Media, written by Paul Verna. If you think about the advent of social media, blogging really was the first pin to drop. The ability for anybody to have a thought, be able to type it up and then publish it online for the world to see (for free) changed everything we know about publishing, journalism and the media. Along with the publishing component, the ability to subscribe to the content via RSS, and have the ability to comment on it publicly, link back to it or even start your own blog was a watershed moment in the history of humanity and evolution of publishing. Some equate it with the advent of the printing press, while many in traditional print media wrote it off in an attempt to maintain their own credibility and professionalism. As blogging took hold, the ability to publish in images, audio and video pushed social media into many different directions and – as with all things – the content that was easiest to produce and publish (like snapping a picture or shooting a quick video) replaced the not-so-easy task of putting your thoughts into words. Blogging was always hard, because writing is hard. Everyone is not a writer. Everyone is not a blogger.
Nothing has changed … but everything has changed.
"Despite the success of other social media venues such as Facebook, Twitter and Flickr, blog readership has increased steadily and is expected to continue on an upward path,” the Blogosphere report says. ”Just over half of U.S. Internet users are now reading blogs at least once a month, and this percentage will climb to 60 per cent in the next four years. The main drivers behind these increases are the prevalence of blogs in the mainstream media, the increased use of blogs for corporate marketing and easy-to-use personal blogging platforms." It’s interesting to note that the true growth of blogging is not coming from individuals using this empowered publishing platform to share their insights with the world. The credibility and growth from blogs moving forward seems to be coming from the mainstream media’s desire to have a cheaper, faster and near-real-time platform to distribute their content.
Blogs are (and will become) a mainstream media platform.
In February 2006, I wrote a blog post titled, A Blog Is Like Lemmy From Motorhead. The point of it? I wrote: "A blog is the glory of a personal voice – warts and all. That is why people are gravitating toward them. Deep down, we want companies to speak our language. We’re tired of jargon. We’re zoning out when we hear phrases like ‘best of breed’ or ‘end to end solution.’ We want to know that business cares about us and treasures our loyalty. We want more… and we’re starting with a conversation that has a human voice behind it … warts and all."
That world is quickly leaving us as blogs become almost indecipherable from a mass media news website.
The Blogosphere report goes on to say: "The number of blog creators is also expected to climb, though not as steeply as that of blog readers. For many people, the appeal of blogging is not as intense as it was when blogs were the leading form of social media. Today, people have many other social tools at their disposal, and some of them are more fun and less labour-intensive than blogs. Facebook offers most of the capabilities of blogs; users post frequent updates that can include photos, videos and links. To give an idea of how blogging stacks up against social network usage, there will be 26 million bloggers in the U.S. by the end of 2010 compared with about 150 million Facebook users. …Nevertheless, overall blogging rates will inch upward. The biggest factors driving the increase are the ease of use of blogging platforms and the growing comfort level with blog reading among U.S. Internet users. Blogs with broad reach – whether media blogs, corporate blogs or influential technology or celebrity blogs – are creating a culture in which blogging is accepted as an integral part of the media landscape."
From a personal journaling platform in 1997 to a full-on publishing platform, the transformation of blogs over the past few years can be best summed up in one word: astounding.
It’s a profound shift in how we write, read, contribute and distribute the published word. Blogs are no longer the black sheep of publishing. They have quickly become as important as the printed word. "The New York Times operates at least 50 public-facing blogs," the Blogosphere report says. "These blogs are intertwined with the paper’s regular coverage. Readers are routinely redirected from the main site to the blogs and back again. There is a near total fluidity between the traditional coverage and the blog posts."
So, in some strange, ironic way, the future of blogging lies in its ability to act like and augment the most traditional types of the printed word.
The above posting is my twice-monthly column for the Montreal Gazette and Vancouver Sun newspapers called, New Business – Six Pixels of Separation. I cross-post it here with all the links and tags for your reading pleasure, but you can check out the original versions online here:
What I see, day after day, is blogs becoming real news platforms, even more influent than traditional media, and I think about Mashable, Techcrunch and so on.
Is this still considering blogging? Is the name “blog” simply kept to appeal to the masses in ways that are not typical of a traditional medium like news websites?
I feel that, at times, the line between blogs and major news websites is becoming thinner and thinner.
This is an incredibly timely post for me personally. After months of procrastinating I finally conquered my personal doubts and fears to start blogging. And I have you, Seth Godin and Netflix to thank for it. But thats a whole other blog topic.
I LOVE the quote from your February 2006 post about a blog being ‘the glory of a personal voice – warts and all.’ And that people are ‘tired of jargon’ and want ‘a conversation that has a human voice behind it’.
I think that also applies to personal as well as corporate blogs. And for me that’s been the scariest AND most freeing part of blogging – speaking in my own voice and exposing myself, warts and all.
I’ve also realized that over the last few years, when I find myself on a ‘corporate’ website, I become annoyed/turned off/mistrustful of sites that don’t speak in a human voice and find myself wondering why companies don’t take that corporate mask off. Perhaps like I was, they’re scared of exposing themselves, ‘warts and all’.
Om Malik’s quote today is relevant to your post.
“Five years ago, we were the upstarts, the outsiders and the crazies. Today, we are the media. Go figure!”
On my Tumblr with comments @
Good post, thanks for putting your ideas down and sharing them.
…and the content is getting much murkier as well. It’s interesting that we do mix and match the word “Blog” when referring to a news site like Mashable. It is it a Blog or is it a news site on a Blog platform? Here we go, another debate on semantics!
Remember: those “warts and all” are also what makes your content unique and personable. It’s you and only you that can be like that. It reminds me of my favourite quote: “Be you because others are already taken” – Oscar Wilde.
The battle-cry when Blogs first came out was “we are media.”
How interesting/profound is that!
I agree… I think the New York Times illustrates an alignment to the current consumer behaviour.
Perhaps Danah Boyd captured this behaviour best in saying: [Consumers are striving] “to be peripherally aware of information as it flows by, grabbing it at the right moment when it is most relevant, valuable, entertaining or insightful. Living with, in and around information.”
Those in alignment with this behaviour and are of value, are more likely to see some success.
Well I do believe it’s mere psychology: CNN website = ahh the media giant is trying to sell me its own version of the truth, Blog = well, a fluffy cool mr.-blogger-normal-guy cannot be evil can he?
They can be evil if those opinions sway in a direction that the consumer doesn’t embrace.
It also further embraces the consumer’s constant and growing desire for more and more information (how they want it and when they want it).
Being a blogger, I know blogs take a lot of work. And with folks flocking to Twitter, I suspect that those who still take the time to blog will have job security for many years to come.
I’m curious though Mitch, you mentioned what the studies said about people writing and reading blogs but not what it said about them COMMENTING on them (used caps there because I can’t underline!).
I used to think that people didn’t comment because there are 100 million blogs and why would they comment on little old mine but then I asked someone why they weren’t commenting and they said, “because they didn’t want to look stupid.” I think there may be a lot more people not commenting for this reason and it’s got to stop. We all only get better if smart people challenge us.
A study on comments and commenting would be very interesting. Using a market of one (me!), I can appreciated that reason. I often read Blogs of people and feel that way. I think comments are intimidating – especially if you’re running with a contrarian perspective.
Wow Mitch, if YOU sometimes feel reluctant to comment, imagine how all of us unwashed feel.
But I push beyond my apprehension, and I hope others do as well.