This is good stuff. We managed to get 70 people and sell-out The Montreal Business Book Club Persuasion Event featuring Heath Slawner.
The event is titled, The Weapons Of Influence: Hard Science For The Soft Skills, and is being held this coming Tuesday, June 13th, 2006 – 6:00 pm at the McGill Executive Institute (1001 Sherbrooke Street West, 6th Floor). The event will be over well before 8:00 pm.
The entry fee is $20 with all of the money going to a handful of local charities (that’s $1400) – plus we have an additional 20 people on a waiting list. The cost of the event is underwritten by Twist Image and any other sponsors who come forward.
Make sure to bring business cards – it’s going to be a great night.
The Montreal Business Book Club Persuasion Event – Very Sold Out