There are far too many naysayers out there. When word got out that I will be speaking at The Power Within event in Montreal featuring people like former United States President Bill Clinton and Anthony Robbins on April 3rd, 2007, I started getting comments like, “come on Mitch, do you really believe in all of this spiritual and motivation mumbo jumbo?”
Here’s the short and long answer: “yes.”
Actually, it’s not mumbo jumbo. I call it “personal development.” We’re all struggling with something or striving for something, but very few of us actually put any time (much less work) against planning strategies for how to prevail. Thankfully, I’m not one of those people. So even if I am not being paid to speak at a Power Within event, I spend a lot of my time (and personal money) on attending events like The Power Within. It’s selfish. It’s personal. It works.
Last night I drove with Pow! Right Between The Eyes Blogger and co-owner of Airborne Entertainment, Andy Nulman, from Montreal to Ottawa to attend the Power Within event that took place in our nation’s capital today (Andy was making his Power Within speaking debut on How To Do The Impossible). We dined last night with Zone Coach (and personal mentor), Jim Fannin, who also authored the fantastic book, S.C.O.R.E For Life. If I had to drive home after dinner last night, it would have been worth it. Fannin has fascinating stories about the human condition and how we perform… absolutely mind-boggling. He should know: Fannin’s clients include some a-list professional athletes and corporate big-wigs.
Today was a very special day at The Power Within Ottawa. Along with a surprise visit by Cheri Booth Blair and stunning presentations by the likes of Vicente and Marta de Fox, Kenneth Cole and many more, I was awestruck by the power of Anthony Robbins. It’s too bad that most people only associate him with infomercials and the Eighties. The truth is, Tony Robbins can stir up and command a crowd like no one I have ever seen. Truly magnetic. His demeanor and professionalism as a presenter is a sight to be seen (and heard).
Make a date with yourself and join me at the Power Within Montreal event. You’ll get a chance to see the best of the best present, including Bill Clinton and Tony Robbins. There is a special rate that is still available for my family and friends: General Admission tickets (which usually sell at $220.00) are just $189.00 (this is significantly less than the special price they’re currently offering in the newspaper ads). All you have to do is call The Power Within at 1-866-994-2555, speak to Scott and mention my name.
Don’t do this for me. Do this for yourself.
The Power Within Ottawa – A True Passion For Life

Any chance you guys will be coming a bit further west? I was just checking out the Power Within calendar & noticed there were only events posted for Montreal, Toronto & Vancouver. I went last year to the Edmonton event & absolutely loved it. I, too, am a big Anthony Robbins fan & would love the opportunity to see him live. Can’t quite get the ticket to Montreal, though! I am right with you with the importance of personal development. I’ve realized since last summer especially the impact this has had on both my business and my family/personal relationships. My business has gone through the roof & I very much feel that it is because I have been focusing on what I want and how I can help others do the same. Going to events like The Power Within for me are not an expense but rather an investment with a high return (now I realize that having said that, I should be hopping over to Westjet to buy my flight to Montreal….guess I still have some work to do!)
If people want a free preview of what Tony Robbins has to offer, there’s free video from TED 2006: