I have a lot of respect for Bryan Person. He’s a young guy who’s totally passionate about Digital Marketing, New Media, Blogging, Podcasting and more. He’s one of the organizers of the first PodCamp (PodCamp Boston), he has his own Blog – The Bryper Blog, and an excellent educational Podcast called, New Comm Road.
A bunch of Bloggers and Podcasters lovingly refer to him as the Social Media Stalker because he’s everywhere, first to know and quick to comment. That’s passion.
About three weeks ago, Bryper came up with the idea of a weekly Blog posting called: The Social Media Top Ten.
You can see his latest list here: Social Media Top 10 – Week 3.
(yikes, I just realized that my Blog posting, The Facebook Undertow – We’re All Getting Caught In It, made it to number six on his list!).
I love two things about this initiative:
1. It’s a simple idea, but no one thought of it. Now, Bryper owns it. Very cool, very smart, and this is bound to generate some well-deserved traffic to his Blog and Podcast.
2. As you will see, by his words below, Bryper is not selfish and understands the nature of Social Media. Take note of his writing style and desire to keep this going as a conversation (and not the Gospel According To Bryper). Here’s his inaugural posting:
“Today, I’m debuting a new list called the Social Media Top 10 – one man’s admittedly very subjective snapshot of the most interesting goings-on in social media.
Each week I’ll list the top 10 names, websites, memes, events, etc. from the world of social media that are capturing my attention.
I don’t expect my top 10 will necessarily be anywhere close to yours, but isn’t that part of the fun? Why not create your own Social Media Top 10 list – who and what have you been watching in the social media space during the past week?
Leave your list in the comments section or post it on your own blog. If you do the latter, please use the SMT10 Technorati tag, so that the posts will be easy to track and compile by everyone.”
You can check it all out over here: The Bryper Blog – Social Media Top 10 Archive.
I’m lucky to be able to call him a friend.
The Social Media Top Ten

looking forward to more on Social Media articles
Totally agree. Am a huge fan of Bryan’s blog and podcast and I actually found him (by random clicking) via your links some time back.
Great stuff you both put up! Thanks for sharing!!
Thank you for your very kind words, Mitch. To use your expression, you had me blushing.
Looking forward to seeing how the Social Media Top 10 grows over time. I hope that other bloggers will adopt the initiative as well and create their own versions of the list.
You’re welcome to do so as well, Mitch!
Nice looking new blog design as well! You’ve brought the blog and podcast together quite nicely. You’ve been teasing us for ages — and it’s been worth the wait.