I should check my Hotmail more often. I got an email a long while back from the good people who run the corporate office for Tom Peters. The Re-Imagine Uber-Management Consultant and Best-Selling Author has placed the Twist Image Blog on the Tom Peters Website Blog Roll. This is very cool and extremely flattering.
Here’s how Wikipedia defines a “Blog Roll”:
“A Blog Roll is a collection of links to other weblogs. Blog Rolls are found on most weblogs. Various weblog authors have different criteria for including other weblogs on their Blog Rolls. These range from matters of common interest to frequency of updates… Some Blog Rolls also simply consist of the list of weblogs an author reads himself…”
Not only do I sing the praises of Tom Peters but I am a huge advocate of his style, concepts and insights. Recently he issued Tom Peters Essentials – which is a four-part breakout series from his amazing Re-Imagine! book. Tom Peters Essentials is broken into: Design, Trends, Leadership and Talent. Tom Peters Essentials Design is one of the best books I have read on branding, marketing and communications in a long time. I am buying many copies for friends and clients.
Thanks Tom Peters and everyone at the Tom Peters Company for putting Twist Image on your Blog Roll.
Special thanks to Cathy Mosca (I appreciate your emails and feedback).
Tom Peters Blog Roll