I was invited several months back to present The It Factor: Very Good Is Bad – Be Remarkable at the upcoming 2006 IABC Conference – International Association of Business Communicators. The conference is taking place June 4th – 7th in Vancouver (one of my favorite cities in the world).
As a build-up to the event, Donna Papacosta of Trafalgar Communications has been conducting interviews for her Podcast, Trafcom News Podcast.
Yesterday she posted a twenty-minute-plus interview with me entitled – Show #24: The “it” factor: Do you have it? Can you get it?
I should warn you, I was fighting a miserable cold (hence the sore throat) and man, do I talk way too fast.
If you’re interested, the Podcast is available for download here: Trafcom News Podcast – Show #24: The “it” factor: Do you have it? Can you get it?
For more information on the conference, please visit: 2006 IABC Conference – International Association of Business Communicators.
A special thanks to Donna for inviting me on to her show.
Trafcom News Podcast Features The It Factor