I got inspired last night at the Pecha Kucha event that happened in Montreal. For those not familiar with what Pecha Kucha is, you can check out my Blog posting over here: Getting To The PowerPoint – True Art In Presentation – Welcome Pecha Kucha. The basic framework of the event is organized like BarCamp and PodCamp – a wiki and fully self-organized. The content of the event is in presentation format, but the speaker can use only twenty slides for twenty seconds per slide to tell their story.
That’s when I got thinking…
There is so much confusion out there about New Media, Technology, Marketing, Communications, Advertising and Public Relations, why not take the spirit of Pecha Kucha and tweak it for business people or those interested in how New Media and Technology affects business?
Welcome to w00tSlam – A New Media PowerPoint Slam.
I’ve parked the domains and started playing with a basic wiki page (links to follow), and I am looking at running the first w00tSlam here in Montreal in either November or December.
Help me get w00tSlamMontreal1 off the ground.
Here’s what I’m looking for:
– A venue (I’m thinking SAT Montreal because it seems to be “the place” to do these sort of events).
– Presenters (topics can be anything related to New Media and Business: RSS, Blogs, Podcasting, Virtual Worlds, Widgets, Wikis, Mobile and more!).
– A couple of Digital Marketing Savvy folks to help me spread the word and monitor the Wiki.
In the spirit of the Unconference, I do want this to be open and accessible to all. I’m even eager for others to do a w00tSlam in their community.
This is an amazing opportunity for people to share, tell stories and connect business, technology and New Media. After what I saw at Pecha Kucha last night, I have no doubt that this will be a valuable and powerful night for the business community.
Get ready w00tSlamMontreal1 is coming soon… and, of course, I’d like to get rolling on a w00tSlamToronto1 as well.
I have high hopes that people like Andy Nulman, Julien Smith, M-C Turgeon, Hugh McGuire, Austin Hill, Casey McKinnon, Rudy Jahchan, Michel LeBlanc, Fred Ngo, and the many Digerati who show up to events like YULBlog, YULBiz and more will help me (and our community) bring this event to life.
Count me in! For giving a hand and presenting something tought provoking and inspiring on social technologies for business people.
Cool idea. I hope you can birth this idea. Maybe I can help bring it to Nashville, TN.
Dude, this sounds down right kick a$$ and I want to help and attend. I sure hope this clicks with my calendar
Count me in to help organize this dear friend.
Most excellent… I’d love to help get the Toronto one rolling… drop me a line when time permits.
This sounds very cool. I would make the trip to beautiful Montreal for this!
I’ll be in Montreal mid-November and would love to participate if the scheduling works out. If not, I’ll be there for w00tSlamToronto1.
great mitch, ideas and soda water!
yeah dude, i’m super in on this. let’s get some big players and make a huge night of it.
Let me know and you can be sure that Branchez-Vous will do his part on this project!
My wheels are already turning for w00tSlamCalgary.
What would be hawt is to structure it as a pseudo-competition, like a poetry slam. The different “competitors” give different (or related) short-form presentations in quick succession in multiple rounds.
Usually the low-scoring poets (or PowerPointers!) get dropped from each round, and the best stuff is saved for last. Audience judges determine the winners, so both substance and style pay off.
It could make the slam all the more fun, and keep presenters on the ball.
Count me in for sure, Mitch. I’ll attend, help organize, present, whatever.
Neat idea Mitch. It sounds very similar to the “Ask Later” presentations that are part of the Ignite evenings.
DemoCampToronto14 incorporated the Ignite style presentations last Monday night. It worked really well.
We’re also planning to incorporate them in the Third Tuesday events. If we can work together to give this a running start, that would be great.
Doesn’t matter what it’s called, the concept is killer.
I’m in like Flynn…..w00t w00t!
Well, since Saul’s coming I guess I gotta jump on board. Let’s discuss over salad, my friend!
Love the idea Mitch and the venue that you suggested is perfect for these type of events. Count me in to help out, either with the wiki or rattle up some support from McGill students
Standing on my head and wiggling my toes with glee – woohoo! (or is that w00t w00t?)
I love the fact that people are already running with this in other parts of the world, and we have not even done one yet.
Chris Brogan has baked a wiki and it’s almost ready. We’re developing a logo (but feel free to take a stab at it).
… And there are rumours of a w00tSlam for PodCamp Boston 2.
The best news? Julien Smith from In Over Your Head has agreed to partner with me on w00tSlam… so yeah, this is rolling.
Mitch, Count me in! I’ll gladly drive the 1.5 hours north across the border to join in the fun!
sure thing, i am in.
count me in as well
Cool, can’t wait to check it out!
You sure this was your idea? Seems someone already did this in Austin, Tx. http://www.powerpointslam.com.
dear Mitch. Can you please share your experience regarding the w00tSlam ? I like the idea and thought that it might be interesting to try in Israel. Did it worked well ?
sadly, it is still on my “to do” list. I’m hoping to get one done in 2008. Finger’s crossed
Any luck launching this event?