“Success on the Web requires getting people to do what you want them to when they visit your site.” Seems simple enough. Why do most people not do this? Once again, I think iMedia Connection hit a homerun with their November 2nd article, Web Analytics 101 by Brandt Dainow of Think Metrics.
I have to believe that most people build a website because they’re looking for a tactical way to measure their business growth at many levels. The Internet offers that… and more. Understanding how to calculate the cost, cause and effect of this can also get you to asking the really core questions as to why you even have/need a website in the first place.
A client of Twist Image, iPerceptions, works in this space as well. They assist websites in looking beyond what is happening on their site and more towards attitudinal analytics as to why things are happening. While this may seem like an enormous endeavor, my only response is: would run a store without ever doing inventory checks? It really is that simple.
I think through articles like Web Analytics 101 and companies like iPerceptions, corporations now have the ability to truly deliver value and increase revenues like never before. So, I end this Blog with some more questions: what do you know about what is going on within your website? Why is it happening? What are you doing about it? Can you afford to not do anything about it?
Web Analytics And A Deeper Understanding