1. The title evokes an image that “your Marketing” is like a free range chicken out running around trying fervently but randomly to do something… which is pretty much how most businesses have responded to changes in internet marketing and social media. They hire an “expert” who does something external to business goals and marketing strategy or internally delegate it to their cousin or an intern and hope like hell it works… if they are even engaged at all.
    One of the reasons I recommend your blog and podcast so much is the consistent emphasis on solid marketing strategy being the foundation and other outreaches being layered on top in harmony.

  2. That is true. As an author and business man, I can relate to how you said, “As Social Media became popular, I engaged in the argument that it’s not about how many people your brand connects to”. I hope more people discover your blog because you really know what you’re talking about. Can’t wait to read more from you!

  3. I deal with very small businesses – artists and craftspeople, usually one-person operations. Their customers are fascinated by what they create and how they do it. Touch – in the most immediate sense – is a huge part of their work as well as customer engagement.
    Many of them are also terrified by what they perceive as marketing. They don’t want to do something they perceive as pushy.
    But when I suggest they make use of digital marketing in the form of a blog or Facebook to post a picture of raw materials (imagine a stack of colourful fabric, for example), they go blank – because they don’t see that as marketing, either.
    It would be easy to say it’s because they have no perspective because it’s all so ordinary to them, but what I think is happening here is the simplicity of it. Too many people think marketing has to be complicated. They don’t trust the small steps of engagement.

  4. Stacey, it sounds to me like your clients are also confusing marketing with advertising and promotion. Advertising and promotion is a sub-set of marketing. Odds are, if they figured out what their raw materials cost and what mark-up they would like on that to make a profit, they are marketing ๐Ÿ˜‰ If they’ve figured where they are placing their art (a coffee house, local art dealer), they are marketing. Artists are often nervous about the promotional part… they shouldn’t be. The whole point of making art is for it to be bought and appreciated.

  5. I generally use the big umbrella rather than separate marketing and promotion. Nothing like technical terminology to take one’s mind off the tasks at hand ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. I think each section of the marketing plan ultimately has it’s own aim. The bigger picture needs to make money (like you say, without sales there would be no brand or business) but i think certain elements can’t be measured on the success of the sales.
    Social Media (content marketing in general) should have it’s aim on just beginning a conversation and getting people on board. If good, then sales can come on the back of this, but it may be quite away down the line, making it difficult to place the sale with that particular marketing ‘tool’.
    In the long run a good brand will come out on top and things will result in sales.
    It’s about a good balance i suppose, like most things in life
    Matt (Turndog Millionaire)

  7. So true Mitch. Too often, we’re asked to answer the question “What can our brand do in Social Media” and we translate that question internally to our team as “What will make this brand social?”
    That’s the real win. Becoming a social brand.

  8. I hear you… having worked for a long time with artists, it’s true that they have a massive disconnect between the art that they create and selling it. I’m not sure why they grapple with it so much… we all love art and (I hope that) we are happy to support it. Especially when it resonates.

  9. As we move further and further into this social+search quagmire, the winners are going to be the ones who focused on growing their business, one very satisfied customer at a time.

  10. If your marketing is not 100% focused on helping people (by selling products, of course, but also other things), you also have failed. Results matter but so does the attitude in the first place.

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