The Internet is shifting everything we know and understand about privacy and communications. Winston Smith was a civil servant with
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How To Be Tweetable
One of the faster growing trends on Twitter is the Retweet. If someone says something remotely profound or links to
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If you thought things were ugly for the publishing industry before the economic meltdown, it’s getting increasingly hard to turn
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"Tribes (Seth Godin): Tribe=social network. Anyone can lead a tribe. You should lead a tribe." One glance at Twitter and
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Welcome to episode #132 of Six Pixels Of Separation – The Twist Image Podcast. Lots of love and insight from
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There’s nothing better than a hot cup of coffee on a Sunday morning and some stimulating video. On a recent
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It doesn’t have to be about Marketing, Communications, Advertising, PR or how to start a business, it could be about
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How would you feel if you got a spam email from a legitimate business with a five meg PDF attachment…
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Most companies looking at Social Media and Web 2.0 see it as a media channel to broadcast their messages into.
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TV viewing is the highest it has ever been. The average American watches about 142 hours of TV a month
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If you could only choose one great tip that has helped you grow your online social network what would it
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Welcome to episode #131 of Six Pixels Of Separation – The Twist Image Podcast. This was going to be a
Continue readingTrading Analog Dollars For Digital Pennies
Trading "analog dollars for digital pennies" is exactly how the traditional media sees the new online channel. If they focus
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It doesn’t really matter how many people are following you on Twitter. What really matters is how many people actually
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What if you took everything you had and made it publicly available on the Internet? What if you opened up
Continue reading#1 Rule For A Successful Blog
If you had to choose your #1 rule for what it takes to create a successful Blog, what would it
Continue readingComments Comments Everywhere
New micro-sharing platforms are everywhere. Be it Twitter, your status on Facebook or even FriendFeed, there are many (more places)
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A Citizen Journalist is no more of a Journalist than someone who gives you good personal advice is a Citizen
Continue readingSPOS #130 – On Books, Marketing And The First Social Media President
Welcome to episode #130 of Six Pixels Of Separation – The Twist Image Podcast. Back for another week of interesting
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"I want to make a bet with you today. By January 2014 I will wager that in the US almost
Continue readingThe Evolution Of The Chief Marketing Officer
As more and more social media channels like Blogs and online social networks expand, consumers are discussing, reviewing and engaging
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