65% of Chief Marketing Officers and marketing executives said that because of the troubled economy more of their money will
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You Are Expected To Have A Social Media Presence
"93% of online Americans say companies should have a social media presence and 85% believe these companies also should be
Continue readingWhy You Should Add This Person
The most common question you get about online social networks like Facebook is: why should I add this person? Maybe
Continue readingReading The Future – Paper or Plastic?
Many people fear that print is dying. The statistics don’t help the situation and the new technology looks promising. Did
Continue readingSPOS #123 – Unravelling The Mystery Of Wikipedia With John Broughton
Welcome to episode #123 of Six Pixels Of Separation – The Twist Image Podcast. This could well be one of
Continue reading8 Reasons Why We're Not Prepared For The Future
The world is changing faster than we can imagine. Students who enrolled in university today have different expectations from those
Continue reading6 Reasons Why We Can't Be Friends
It’s getting harder and harder to define the friends from the foes in these social circles. People are starting to
Continue readingThe Comment Economy
The Comment Economy is alive and well. The debate over why it’s important to comment on a Blog has been
Continue readingSelling 2.0 – Let The Customer Do The Communicating
What does it really take to sell something online? Think about this for two seconds: You go to your favourite
Continue readingHow To Get Media Attention In One Easy Step (And It's Free)
Knowing who to reach out to in the media is becoming an increasingly more complex task. Journalists working at mass
Continue readingBlogging Is Not Dead
Blogging is not dead and all Blogs are not created equal. That was the general message you could pull out
Continue readingSPOS #122 – Live From PodCamp Montreal With C.C. Chapman
Welcome to episode #122 of Six Pixels Of Separation – The Twist Image Podcast. It was an amazing weekend at
Continue readingPodcasting Is Not Dead
Podcasting Is Not Dead… In fact, It’s just getting started. That pretty much wraps up the sentiment most had after
Continue readingPodCamp Montreal 2008 Starts Now
In just a few hours PodCamp Montreal 2008 begins. This is going to be an exciting weekend of unconference excitement
Continue readingInteresting Stats About Your Brand And Online Opinions
The Internet really is changing everything we know about brands and building loyalty online. There were many stats, graphs and
Continue readingYou Can't Buy Community
It’s not possible for your brand to sell anybody anything in an online social network. (unless all you’re doing is
Continue readingSocial Media And The Reluctant Retailer
Do you think retailers are really embracing the digital channels and making them work? If converting a browser into a
Continue readingSPOS #121 – The Digital Marketing Needle
Welcome to episode #121 of Six Pixels Of Separation – The Twist Image Podcast. Some great audio comments and tons
Continue readingBack To Business Reading List
Back to school or back to business, it’s that time of the year when all of us hunker down and
Continue readingHow Big Is The Digital Marketing Pie?
Digital Marketing may not be booming (it’s close to it though) and the future is healthy. eMarketer had a news
Continue readingThe Power Behind A Faith-Based Initiative
What’s with all this free stuff we see online? How is it that Google allows anybody to grab its Google
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