Welcome to episode #182 of Six Pixels Of Separation – The Twist Image Podcast. This is also the latest episode of Media Hacks (#22 – hard to believe we made it this far). This will be the last Media Hacks for 2009 and in this episode we discuss the language issue (again, and hopefully for the last time), the changing face of the e-book, the speed of which we’re getting new technology and how this year panned out. We’ve got Christopher S. Penn (aka The Ninja), Hugh McGuire and myself on this episode. Lots of different topics with lots of back and forth. Enjoy the conversation…
Here it is: Six Pixels Of Separation – The Twist Image Podcast – Episode #182 – Host: Mitch Joel.
- Running time: 45:22.
- Audio comment line – please send in a comment and add your voice to the audio community: +1 206-666-6056.
- Please send in questions, comments, suggestions – mitch@twistimage.com.
- Hello from Beautiful Montreal.
- Subscribe over at iTunes.
- Please visit and leave comments on the Blog – Six Pixels of Separation.
- Feel free to connect to me directly on Facebook here: Mitch Joel on Facebook.
- or you can connect on LinkedIn.
- …or on twitter.
- Facebook Group – Six Pixels of Separation Podcast Society.
- In a perfect world, connect with me, directly, through Facebook.
- Six Pixels of Separation the book is now available.
- Episode #22 of Media Hacks is this week and it features:
- Hugh McGuire – LibriVox – Bite-Sized Edits – The Book Oven.
- Christopher S. Penn – The Financial Aid Podcast – Marketing Over Coffee.
- Not present:
- Chris Brogan – New Marketing Labs – Co-author of Trust Agents.
- C.C. Chapman – Managing The Gray – Campfire.
- Julien Smith – In Over Your Head – Co-author of Trust Agents.
- Holiday, Marketing and the craziness of the year.
- The language of language (our smutty Podcast).
- Blog post from Conversations and Connections – Social Media at SAS: What the flipping fudge? A note to social media pottymouths.
- Are we building an audience, having a conversation or both?
- e-book reading and how it changes reading (not just publishing).
- The New Yorker – A New Page by Nicholson Baker.
- Shortcovers becomes Kobo Books.
- The Ninja recommends Calibre e-Book Management.
- The Ninja’s Blog post about: Turning your Kindle into the best newsstand ever for free.
- The fast cycle of new technology (and how disposable it is).
- What we’re reading right now (you have to listen for this one
- Barnes & Noble releases Nook.
- Time to kill these impersonal Holiday Greetings by email.
- The Grinch that is Hugh McGuire.
- Highlights of 2009 – what made it memorable (besides "near economic collapse," as Ninja calls it).
- Time Magazine – Person of the year.
- January 18th, 2009 was the first episode of Media Hacks, and we’re all thankful for your attention and listening (thank you!).
- Happy Holidays!
- New Leaf – ‘Magic Carpet’.
Please join the conversation by sending in questions, feedback and ways to improve Six Pixels Of Separation. Please let me know what you think or leave an audio comment at: +1 206-666-6056.
Download the Podcast here: Six Pixels Of Separation – The Twist Image Podcast – Episode #182 – Host: Mitch Joel.
Is it just that I’m an old romantic….or just plain old and my eyes just can’t see small characters on my iphone sometimes….still prefer to read on paper…I like the paper book…I like having the book on my shelves…
And what about reading in the bathtub and dosing off and slowly lowering your hands until the book touches the water….try that with a kindle…
I love my Iphone…and I do buy some audio version of books which I find great in wasted time periods like when I am driving…but reading with my actual eyes on a device…its still a stretch for me…
Also, I like the idle time sometimes…we are so busy in life…when I am in the lobby of a customer, waiting for my host…I enjoy sinking in the atmosphere, watching people go by…whipping out a kindle to make the most of those 5 minutes seems a little like a waste of a great brain idle time opportunity…
Then again, maybe I am just plain old….
Glad to hear your perspective and position on the cursing/censorship.
I have a few paper books I’ve wanted to read, tons on my Amazon wish list and I’m going to take the cue and go digital. Until you mentioned it, I guess I had never really thought of all the opportunities we have to read if the books/content were on my iphone.
Seven listeners now? Cool!
Mitch, Hue, Christopher, and MIA – CC, Julian & Chris Broagn Hope you all have a great Christmas and Holiday.
Ps. Magic Carpet: Great song! FYI – A couple shows back, I went and D/L’d some NewLeaf songs.
Very interesting discussion about “booksâ€? V “E readers,â€? for me there is something about the “smell” of a new book, holding and turning the pages … also you can’t really gift wrap a digital book! I can see the appeal of digital, portability etc, but some of my books are like “old friendsâ€? especially the ones with comments written by friends. Although, I wouldn’t rule out the digital option in the future! Thanks for the blog and the podcast, very informative.