You need to wrestle (deeply) with what you are about to see. Since I attended this past year’s TED conference,
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The E-commerce Tipping Point
The business of selling is about to get a whole lot more interesting. When you think about e-commerce, how does
Continue readingNo Pictures Allowed
I nearly got kicked out of a furniture store yesterday. Apparently, I broke a very strict rule of "no photography"
Continue readingWhen The Going Gets Tough
"This will be my last day shining your shoes." I like getting my shoes shined. I don’t do it often
Continue readingRise Of The Indie Brand
The art of marketing is a fascinating beast. Last week, I had the pleasure of delivering the opening keynote address
Continue readingTo Be Of Service
It’s not about you. Anecdotally, I’ve heard many stories over the years of people who are surprised after meeting me
Continue readingFear And Loathing In Advertising
What a long, strange trip it’s been. There are many who think that advertising as we have known it to
Continue readingDigital Leaders Seeking Digital Leaders
Twist Image is hiring. While I do my best to not use this space to self-promote, the Digital Marketing agency
Continue readingGet Lost On YouTube
It’s one of my favorite past-times and guilty pleasures. After all of the work is done and the house is
Continue readingDigital Tumbleweeds And Virtual Crickets
If you publish online get ready for a lesson in humility. Brands quit publishing content for the exact same reason
Continue readingExpect Big Changes At Facebook
Most companies change dramatically after their initial public offering. There is a reason that Facebook is going public. And while
Continue readingAdapt Or Die
Do you like the saying, "adapt or die"? There are days when it is the soundtrack of my life and
Continue readingThe Power Of Being Vulnerable
When you’re vulnerable people connect more to whatever it is that you’re doing. If we’re going to talk about the
Continue readingDrunk On The Social Media Kool-Aid
It’s hard not to hit a like button and come across a Social Expert, Guru on Ninja. Even the discourse
Continue readingThe Year Of More
While many article and columns look back at the year that was or posture on the year that will be,
Continue readingThe Paradox Of Leadership
When you’re right, you’re a hero. When you take a misstep, you’re a goat. There’s an often discussed paradox of
Continue readingThe Value Of Focus
"When do you have time for all of the things that you do?" How often do you get asked this,
Continue readingIs Your Flinch Response Holding You Back?
Does your flinch response still protect you? Tony Blauer is a a world-class close-quarters combatives instructor who now spends his
Continue readingWalk It Off
What were some of the best business meetings you have ever had? Were they in a boardroom when you won
Continue readingIs PowerPoint Making Us Stupid?
How many mindless presentations have you sat through in business and life? How many numbing slides have you had to
Continue readingGoogle+ It's Time To Make Your Move
Is Google+ going to be the right move for every business? Of course not. That being said, your business must
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