Is Google+ going to be the right move for every business? Of course not. That being said, your business must
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3 Things About Facebook
Facebook continues to grow, change, add, adapt and connect us all (whether you like it or not). In the past
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There’s an ongoing business axiom that defines customer service: "the customer is always right." Publicly, this may be the proper
Continue readingOn Weirdoes, The Long Tail, Seth Godin And You
Here Comes The Weirdoes On Page 16 of the business book, We Are All Weird, by one of the world’s
Continue readingWhat Does Eight Years Of Blogging Get You?
Eight years ago on this day in 2003, I started Blogging. Here’s some basic info about what has transpired in
Continue readingFighting Cancer
It was beautiful and perfect sunny day on August 25h, 2010. I was flying from Montreal to Toronto for a
Continue readingThe Marketing Industry
You can’t have a strong business without a strong community. Personally, I’ve lived by that motto since I first got
Continue readingKickstart Your Own Economy
Can you test the market for a product without ever producing it? CW&T is a self-described, "teeny design studio in
Continue readingEmployees That Spend Too Much Time Online Are Stealing
It’s called, "Time Theft," and it’s becoming a bigger and bigger issue. There have been all kinds of shenanigans by
Continue readingGreat Content Is Like Pornography
"I know it when I see it." Recently, someone asked me if I could teach them how to create great
Continue readingDon't Forget About Marketing
It’s commonplace to hear non-Marketers give advice like "forget about marketing" to up and coming businesses. This is a big
Continue readingSix Links Worthy Of Your Attention #56
Is there one link, story, picture or thought that you saw online this week that you think somebody you know
Continue readingThe Best Marketing Advice You Ever Received
What was the one piece of Marketing advice that you read, were told, heard or saw that has stuck with
Continue readingThe Myth Of Work Life Balance
This is the time of year when individuals (people like you and I) start thinking more about work/life balance. Don’t
Continue readingUp Your Game
There are many people who want to move ahead in Marketing. They want a better job. They want more pay.
Continue readingFrom The Industrial Age To The Networked Age
You must read Macrowikinomics. There is a new best-selling business book, both physical and virtual, titled Macrowikinomics – Rebooting Business
Continue readingThe Business Of Content
Content is King. It’s a saying you’ve heard countless times… long before Social Media empowered individuals to create and distribute
Continue readingThe Time Is Ripe For A Chief Marketing Technologist
Think about where the world of business is. Think about how much Marketing has changed. Think about how much of
Continue readingA Living Organism
Part of the reason that automated tools pose a challenge to Social Media is because it removes that live feeling.
Continue readingThe Spirit Of The Times
That’s what the word "zeitgeist" means… the spirit of the times. What is happening now and how does it all
Continue readingThe 10 Core Values Of A Winning Personal Brand
What attributes do you need to have a winning personal brand? It’s very flattering when people tell me that they
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