The struggle for traditional media to survive gets ever-more complicated. The slowing down of the holiday season, a worsening economy
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Breaking News On The Internet
Media is changing much faster than you think. Today, Pew Research announced that the Internet has overtaken Newspapers as a
Continue readingThe Beauty Of Blogging
The Huffington Post Complete Guide To Blogging book just hit the bookshelves, and the foreword by Kenneth Lerer and the
Continue readingBanner Advertising Is But One Small Component Of Digital Marketing
When people talk about online advertising, they’re really talking about banners ads (or display advertising). If media companies don’t like
Continue readingOld Media Meet New Media – Good Times, Bad Times
If you thought things were ugly for the publishing industry before the economic meltdown, it’s getting increasingly hard to turn
Continue readingCompanies Are Not Ready, Willing And Able For Marketing 2.0
Most companies looking at Social Media and Web 2.0 see it as a media channel to broadcast their messages into.
Continue readingTV Viewing Is Down As Internet Usage Continues To Rise? Not Exactly
TV viewing is the highest it has ever been. The average American watches about 142 hours of TV a month
Continue readingTrading Analog Dollars For Digital Pennies
Trading "analog dollars for digital pennies" is exactly how the traditional media sees the new online channel. If they focus
Continue reading#1 Rule For A Successful Blog
If you had to choose your #1 rule for what it takes to create a successful Blog, what would it
Continue readingCitizen Journalism Is A Farce
A Citizen Journalist is no more of a Journalist than someone who gives you good personal advice is a Citizen
Continue readingWill All Media Go Digital By 2014?
"I want to make a bet with you today. By January 2014 I will wager that in the US almost
Continue readingThe Evolution Of The Chief Marketing Officer
As more and more social media channels like Blogs and online social networks expand, consumers are discussing, reviewing and engaging
Continue readingNew Business Models
There are lots of little ways to tweak your business and how you market it using the many online channels.
Continue reading10 Things Every Newspaper And Magazine Website Must Do
Type "newspaper industry" into Google News and there’s nothing but bad news. Everything from falling profits and job losses to
Continue readingDigital Natives Are Here
Is your company blocking access to YouTube? Can no one get on Facebook or check out MySpace? Is your IT
Continue readingWhy Invest In Social Media?
"When asked at Gartner Symposium/ITxpo 2008 whether brands should bother engaging with customers through largely unproven digital methods such as
Continue readingThe New Secret To Blogging Success – Moving From "I" To "You"
The original intent of a Blog was as an online journal. It was place for you to read about me.
Continue readingContent Is An Organic Linking Process
The last period at the end of any piece of content is where the story really begins. Content has not
Continue readingVideo Online Does Not Click
With close to ten billion videos being viewed online every month and the average person watching close to eight hours
Continue readingHow To Get Media Attention In One Easy Step (And It's Free)
Knowing who to reach out to in the media is becoming an increasingly more complex task. Journalists working at mass
Continue readingHow Big Is The Digital Marketing Pie?
Digital Marketing may not be booming (it’s close to it though) and the future is healthy. eMarketer had a news
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