Do you really take the time required to think about what you are going to say, comment and respond to?
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6 Quick Tips To Optimize How You Monitor Your Digital Footprint
A ton has been written and Blogged about what tools you should be using to monitor your digital footprint, personal
Continue readingIf It Was Really Gone, Would You Really Miss It?
Over the years, one of my more favourite sayings when looking at traditional media and how it is evolving with
Continue readingThe Naked Truth
"One in five teen girls (22%), nearly as many teen boys (18%) and one-third (33%) of young adults say they
Continue readingWelcome To The Sixty Second News Cycle – Death To The 24 Hour News Cycle
The news cycle has changed so much in the past five years. This has had a direct effect on Marketing
Continue readingHow To Build A Media Empire
The struggle for traditional media to survive gets ever-more complicated. The slowing down of the holiday season, a worsening economy
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Media is changing much faster than you think. Today, Pew Research announced that the Internet has overtaken Newspapers as a
Continue readingHot Off The Presses: Less Is Not More
Publishing newspapers with fewer pages and moving from daily to less frequently is not going to save that industry. Record
Continue readingHow To Be Tweetable
One of the faster growing trends on Twitter is the Retweet. If someone says something remotely profound or links to
Continue readingThe New Secret To Blogging Success – Moving From "I" To "You"
The original intent of a Blog was as an online journal. It was place for you to read about me.
Continue readingBloggers Have No Ethics
"Bloggers have no ethics" has long been the battle-cry of mass media in an attempt to keep the medium down
Continue readingNewspapers Are A Conversation But Some Journalists Disagree
A traditional journalist is always going to flare up their own Google Juice when they write a piece titled, I’m
Continue readingAll The News – All The Time
Do you remember when the Internet first came "online"? I do. Many media pundits talked about that moment as the
Continue readingGlobal News – Hyper-Local News – Toss Your TVs
" brings together the resources of journalists around the world and makes live streaming video easy to find and use
Continue readingDo You Have A BlackBerry? Can I Interest You In A Raise?
Have you ever read something in the newspaper that, literally, made you burst out in laughter? You know, the kind
Continue readingEpic 2015 – The Future Of Media
I know this has been floating around for a while, but I was listening to a recent episode of the
Continue readingHow The Print Publishing Business Is Saving Itself
I love the publishing business. I started my career as a Journalist and quickly became the Publisher of three magazines.
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