Trust. It’s what it all comes down to. You intuitively know this to be true, don’t you? Trust is everything.
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If Someone Is Watching, You Will Pedal Faster
We are creatures of evolution. No matter how hard we try to deny it. Marketing is about understanding the human
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Whether it’s a boardroom or a convention center, it’s common (and normal) to have stage fright. Volumes of books have
Continue readingDear Steven Pressfield
Dear Steven, For a long time, one of my best friends was also my mentor and my coach. His name
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I have no idea how to interact with the haters. I spent over a decade in the music industry reviewing
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Does your flinch response still protect you? Tony Blauer is a a world-class close-quarters combatives instructor who now spends his
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Brands that are leveraging Twitter to connect with their consumers may be in for a surprise. That feeling of frustration
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Can brands be human? Can brands be more human? People tend to shrug their shoulders, roll their eyes or simply
Continue readingAfraid To Fail
Most companies do know what to do. They attend the same seminars and conferences as we do. They read the
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Online social networks are making you stupid. They’re also going to make the next generation of kids stupider too. That
Continue readingPowerful Marketing Tricks With Dan Ariely
Dan Ariely is the best-selling author of Predictably Irrational – The Powerful Forces That Shape Our Nature. Along with being
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